

A lux­u­ri­ous Geor­gian-style man­sion in Car­marthen, brand new for 2025.

Car­marthen, Carmarthenshire 

Intro­duc­ing Ty Pen­bryn, a lux­u­ri­ous Geor­gian-style man­sion in Car­marthen, brand new for 2025. This stun­ning prop­er­ty has under­gone exten­sive ren­o­va­tion, seam­less­ly blend­ing his­toric charm with mod­ern ameni­ties to cre­ate the per­fect lux­u­ry hol­i­day accom­mo­da­tion for group get­aways.

Once the home of renowned Welsh poet Sir Lewis Mor­ris, Ty Pen­bryn now offers a state-of-the-art lux­u­ry expe­ri­ence, includ­ing a ded­i­cat­ed wing with an indoor swim­ming pool, sauna, steam room, pri­vate cin­e­ma room, and games room.

The unique prop­er­ty built in the ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry; Ty Pen­bryn is a breath-tak­ing Geor­gian-style estate set with­in 1.8 acres of beau­ti­ful­ly land­scaped gar­dens. With panoram­ic views of the Low­er Towy Val­ley, this prop­er­ty is an idyl­lic retreat for fam­i­ly reunions, spe­cial cel­e­bra­tions, or a relax­ing break with friends.

The prop­er­ty accom­mo­dates up to 24 guests across nine bed­rooms in the main house and two addi­tion­al bed­rooms in an adapt­ed ground-floor annex.

Once the home of renowned Welsh poet Sir Lewis Mor­ris, Ty Pen­bryn now offers a state-of-the-art lux­u­ry expe­ri­ence, includ­ing a ded­i­cat­ed wing with an indoor swim­ming pool, sauna, steam room, pri­vate cin­e­ma room, and games room.

The unique prop­er­ty built in the ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry; Ty Pen­bryn is a breath-tak­ing Geor­gian-style estate set with­in 1.8 acres of beau­ti­ful­ly land­scaped gar­dens. With panoram­ic views of the Low­er Towy Val­ley, this prop­er­ty is an idyl­lic retreat for fam­i­ly reunions, spe­cial cel­e­bra­tions, or a relax­ing break with friends.

Spe­cial Features

Mul­ti use game area, EV charge point, Work space, Cin­e­ma, Games room and a Music room.


The prop­er­ty accom­mo­dates up to 24 guests across nine bed­rooms in the main house and two addi­tion­al bed­rooms in an adapt­ed ground-floor annex.

Main House Ground Floor:
• Fam­i­ly-Style Kitchen: Ful­ly equipped with mod­ern appli­ances includ­ing a dish­wash­er, cof­fee machine, microwave and sin­gle oven.
• Sec­ond Small­er Kitchen: Includes range cook­er, air fry­er, toast­er, slow cook­er, and ample cook­ware for large groups.
• Din­ing Room: Seats up to 24 guests.
• Dry­ing Room: Ide­al for wet­suits, fea­tur­ing a large sink, pul­ley dry­ing rack, and two wash­er-dry­er sets.
• Games Room: Offers pok­er, chess, and board games.
• Music Room: Equipped with a harp, ukulele, small drum kit, record play­er, and piano.
• Bil­liard Room: Includes a pool table and dec­o­ra­tive fire­place.
• Entrance Hall: Com­plete with a juke­box, karaōke sys­tem, and dis­co ball to dance the night away!

Main House Bed­rooms
Geor­gian Wing (First Floor):
• Bed­room 1: The King­fish­er Suite – Superk­ing bed, sofa, en-suite with show­er, small walk-in wardrobe
• Bed­room 2: The Stripes Suite – Superk­ing bed, sofa, dress­ing room, en-suite with show­er and bath
• Bed­room 3: The Gold Room – King bed, en-suite with show­er
• Bed­room 4: Foun­tain View – King bed, en-suite with show­er, small walk-in wardrobe
• Bed­room 5: The Pearl Room – King bed, sofa, en-suite with show­er

Vic­to­ri­an Wing (First Floor): Named after the Bre­con Bea­cons’ famous water­falls
• Bed­room 6: Sgwd Clun-Gwyn – Twin room, en-suite with show­er over bath
• Bed­room 7: Sgwd y Pan­nwr – Twin room, en-suite with show­er over bath
• Bed­room 8: Sgwd Isaf Clun-Gwyn – 2 x Dou­ble bed, en-suite with show­er over bath
• Bed­room 9: Sgwd yr Eira – Dou­ble bed + Sin­gle bed, en-suite with show­er over bath

Adapt­ed Annex (Ground Floor):
• Bed­room 10: Afon Tywi – Dou­ble room
• Bed­room 11: Afon Taf – Sin­gle room

Adapt­ed annexe, with a show­er equipped with grab han­dles and a built-in seat. The annex, named after two local rivers, includes a liv­ing area with a sofa, TV, table and chairs, as well as a small kitchen with an air fry­er, mini fridge-freez­er, sink, microwave, toast­er, and ket­tle.

Leisure Wing
Ty Penbryn’s leisure wing is per­fect for relax­ation and enter­tain­ment:
• Indoor Swim­ming Pool (12m x 6m, 4ft deep, and includes a 4m x 1.5m beach step ide­al for younger guests)
• Heat­ed Loungers, 4- per­son Sauna, 4‑person Steam Room and 6‑person Jacuzzi
• Ground Floor chang­ing rooms with show­ers and toi­lets
• Upstairs Fam­i­ly Area with a ping pong table, large TV, and sofas — per­fect for sports or movie nights!

Main House Sec­ond Floor:
• Cin­e­ma Room: Fea­tures a 100” Smart TV with apps includ­ing YouTube, Net­flix Dis­ney+ etc., com­fort­able sofas, and bean bag seat­ing.
• Office Room: Includes two screens and work­space.
• Toi­let Room


Out­side along­side the 1.8 acres of beau­ti­ful­ly land­scaped gar­dens, guests can enjoy a ver­sa­tile mul­ti-use games area, per­fect for a game of pick­le­ball or five-a-side foot­ball. For younger vis­i­tors, there’s a delight­ful pirate ship play area, ensur­ing fun and enter­tain­ment for the whole family.

Load­ing map…

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 24 peo­ple in 11 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 5 Baths
  • 5 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 24 people
  • 10
  • Pets allowed Two dogs only, at an addi­tion­al charge per pet.


View availability

Short breaks?


Changeover day

Mon­day or Friday

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 2
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 6
  • Twin Rooms: 2
  • Sin­gle Rooms: 1


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • Stereo sys­tem

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Kitchen table


  • Swim­ming pool (indoor)
  • Sauna
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Park­ing