

The Farm­house at Ben­ty Grange, sit­u­at­ed near the vil­lage of Monyash, is a lov­ing­ly refur­bished coun­try Farmhouse.

Monyash, Der­byshire

All bed­rooms have en suites, large open plan din­ing, kitchen and seat­ing area

The Farm­house at Ben­ty Grange is a refur­bished coun­try cot­tage, sit­u­at­ed just out­side the pret­ty vil­lage of Monyash. It is near to the pic­turesque attrac­tions of Chatsworth House and Had­don Hall and a short dri­ve to the towns of Bakewell and Bux­ton. This cot­tage is in an ide­al loca­tion for your stay in the Peak Dis­trict, wel­com­ing up to 18 guests.

The Farm­house at Ben­ty Grange has a great social space where you can all dine, cook and also relax togeth­er and enjoy the lux­u­ry of the log burn­er. There is a sep­a­rate lounge to retreat to also at the end of the day.

There are 6 bed­rooms, one being a fam­i­ly suite which also con­tains a bunk bed alcove. All bed­rooms are designed in their own unique style, which can be made up as twin beds or kept as dou­bles, there is also a cou­ple of the bed­rooms that have large bunk beds as anoth­er option, depend­ing on your make up of your group.

This prop­er­ty is on a shared site with The Barn at Ben­ty Grange.

Spe­cial Features

All en suite bed­rooms with a fam­i­ly suite


Large coun­try kitchen with all the equip­ment you would expect to find at home. The prop­er­ty has all the mod­ern appli­ances you would need for your stay to enable it to run as smooth­ly as it can. The house is ful­ly equipped with plen­ty of crock­ery, glass­es, cut­lery, cook­ing pots and pans and uten­sils. The din­ing area seats 18 peo­ple with addi­tion­al high stools under the cen­tral kitchen island. Sit­u­at­ed next to the patio doors which can be opened to enjoy the out­door space. The seat­ing area has two com­fort­able sofas sur­round­ing the log burn­ing fire. There is an addi­tion­al lounge with ample seat­ing and fan­tas­tic views. The large hall­way and sep­a­rate util­i­ty room are ide­al for walk­ing boots to be left before enter­ing the rest of the house. All bed­rooms have their own unique designed style and quirky fea­tures through­out. The bed­rooms can be made up as dou­bles or twins so the lay­out can be left entire­ly for you to sort for your group before you arrive, there are also a cou­ple of bunk bed options too.


Patio doors from the kitchen open onto the deck­ing with an out­door seat­ing area and raised plant­ed beds where you can sit and enjoy the sun­shine through­out the day. To the side of the prop­er­ty is fur­ther seat­ing area where you can enjoy the firepit into the evening. To the rear of the prop­er­ty locat­ed in a rus­tic barn there is a fab­u­lous games room com­plete with pool table, dart board and bar area. Ample park­ing spaces.

Please note that there are man­agers liv­ing on site in a pri­vate dwelling should you need any­thing urgent and also this prop­er­ty is on a shared site with anoth­er hol­i­day cot­tage but both prop­er­ties have their own pri­vate gar­den areas and parking. 

Load­ing map…

Local Area

The Farm­house at Ben­ty Grange is sit­u­at­ed in the heart of the stun­ning coun­try­side. Bakewell is only a 10 minute dri­ve away where you can enjoy the ample cafes / pubs and the mar­ket that is there every Mon­day. You are close to the Tiss­ing­ton and High Peak Trail, so bring­ing your bikes is a must but you can also hire them from Pars­ley Hay Cylce Hire, which is posi­tioned on the trail. Bux­ton is also close by so you can enjoy a night at the Bux­ton Opera House, or in the day time take the chil­dren to the park to let off some steam and have a ride on the lit­tle train that can take them around the park. There are lots of fab­u­lous walks in the Peak Dis­trict and this prop­er­ty is an ide­al base.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • The Bulls Head (1Km)
  • The Roy­al Oak (4Km)


  • Newhaven Garage (5Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Bux­ton (15Km)


  • Man­ches­ter (50Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 18 peo­ple in 6 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 1 Bath
  • 5 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 18 people
  • 10
  • Pets allowed Up to 3 dogs are allowed and there is a charge of £30 per dog


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day

Fri­day & Monday

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 2
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 4
  • Cots: 2

All bed­rooms have en suites


  • WiFi/​Internet
  • Own­ers on site

For your entertainment

  • TV

Open plan liv­ing area has a 27 inch TV and DVD play­er with full Sky package 
Sec­ond Lounge has a 59 inch TV and DVD play­er with full Sky package

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Horse rid­ing

Go Ape in Bux­ton is great for the fam­i­ly. Bux­ton and Bakewell also have their own pub­lic swim­ming pools.


Dates Price
Prices per week start from
6th Jan 2025 — 22nd Dec 2025 