

Charm­ing and beau­ti­ful­ly restored Vic­to­ri­an House

Bux­ton, Derbyshire 

All ensuite accom­mo­da­tion, cel­lar games room

Styl­ish 9 bed­room Vic­to­ri­an House nest­ed in the pic­turesque ham­let of Priest­cliffe in the cen­tre of the Peak Dis­trict, close both to Bakewell and Bux­ton, per­fect for group hol­i­days and fam­i­ly gath­er­ings of up to 20 guests.

Priest­cliffe House is a lux­u­ri­ous Vic­to­ri­an res­i­dence ide­al for groups of up 20 guests or if you are fam­i­ly group with chil­dren you can sleep a few more (up to 24 guests). 

There is no short­age of space in this ren­o­vat­ed home, there is a large open plan kitchen and din­ing room, per­fect for large group din­ing. A fab­u­lous for­mal sit­ting room with plen­ty of com­fort­able soft seat­ing and won­der­ful peri­od fea­tures includ­ing an orig­i­nal Ash­ford black mar­ble fire­place. The prop­er­ty has delight­ful views over the sur­round­ing Peak Dis­trict countryside. 

There are 9 bou­tique style en suite bed­rooms, with most bed­rooms hav­ing the option of being made up as dou­ble or twin beds. A few of the bed­rooms have addi­tion­al bunkbeds/​built in beds, per­fect for fam­i­ly groups. 

Spe­cial Features

All ensuite inte­ri­or designed home with games den.


Styl­ish coun­try kitchen designed to make cater­ing for large groups as easy as pos­si­ble. With all the mod­ern appli­ances you need, Priest­cliffe House is ful­ly equipped with plen­ty of cook­ware, crock­ery, uten­sils, glass­ware and all the oth­er items essen­tial for mak­ing your stay com­fort­able and more impor­tant­ly easy. The open plan din­ing area com­fort­ably seats 20 guests (up to 24 guests at a squeeze) with extra seat­ing at the kitchen island.
Impres­sive entrance hall and spa­cious for­mal sit­ting room. With a tra­di­tion­al feel, this beau­ti­ful styled and gen­er­ous­ly pro­por­tioned room retains many peri­od fea­tures; high ceil­ings, two bay win­dows and a log burn­er set with­in an orig­i­nal Ash­ford black mar­ble fireplace.
The grand stair­case leads up to two floors with nine sump­tu­ous bed­rooms all with pri­vate en suite facil­i­ties. Each bed­room had been designed with fea­ture wall­pa­pers, coor­di­nat­ing soft fur­nish­ings and com­fy beds for an unin­ter­rupt­ed night’s sleep. We know that groups come in all shapes and sizes and have dif­fer­ent require­ments so most beds can be made up as dou­bles or twin’s so you can choose the lay­out to suit your group’s needs.
Hid­den down a secret stair­case is a fab­u­lous con­vert­ed cel­lar. Retain­ing an authen­tic rus­tic feel with its exposed walls and clever floor light­ing, cre­ates a warm home­ly feel, the per­fect ambi­ence for guests to enjoy the mul­ti­tude of games in this unique space: hand­made retro elec­tron­ic games table with 60 games, includ­ing all the old favourites — Don­key Kong, Space Invad­er & Pac­Man. Mul­ti 6 foot games table with table ten­nis, air hock­ey and pool, lounge area with wall mount­ed 42 inch smart TV screen.
You can gain direct access from the Cel­lar straight out onto the ter­race — per­fect for the out­door games; includ­ing stilts, didi cars and a Petanque pitch.


Exten­sive south fac­ing gar­dens with a front patio and a side sunken ter­race — when the sun is shin­ing you will be able to enjoy this vir­tu­al­ly all day! Per­fect for the out­door games; includ­ing stilts, didi cars and a Petanque pitch.

Load­ing map…

Local Area

Priest­cliffe House is the per­fect base for explor­ing the many attrac­tions of the Peak Dis­trict, it is less than 5 miles away from the Vic­to­ri­an spa town of Bux­ton with its renown Opera House and just over 5 miles from the ancient mar­ket town of Bakewell, home to the famous Bakewell pud­ding. Both towns have a vari­ety of bou­tique shops, café, restau­rants and pubs to explore and enjoy. The his­toric homes of Chatsworth House and Had­don Hall are also with­in easy reach. 

There are many great walk­ing routes near­by and from your doorstep you can walk to the pic­turesque Miller’s Dale where you can also jump onto the Mon­sal Trail and walk or cycle (near­est bike hire is at Black­well Mill approx. 3 miles away) to your heart’s desire on the for­mer midland’s rail­way route with its reopened tun­nels and spec­tac­u­lar scenery. 

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • The Queens Arms, Tadding­ton (1Km)


  • Mor­risons in Bux­ton (10Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Bux­ton (10Km)


  • Man­ches­ter (47Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 20 peo­ple in 9 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 1 Bath
  • 8 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 20 people
  • 12+
  • Pets allowed Dogs are wel­come and there is a charge of £30 per dog.


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day

Mon­days and Fri­days but we can be flexible

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 3
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 3
  • Twin Rooms: 3
  • Cots: 2


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • iPod dock

Games room with darts, retro games table, includ­ing Don­key Kong, Space Invad­er & Pac­Man, mul­ti 6 foot games table with table ten­nis, air hock­ey and pool, lounge area with wall mount­ed 42 inch smart TV screen.

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Play equip­ment
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Horse rid­ing


Dates Price
Prices per week start from
6th Jan 2025 — 22nd Dec 2025 