

Mill End Mitcheldean, sleep­ing & din­ing 25+ with cater­ing, class­es & cock­tails from Bor­del­lo Banquets

Mill End, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire 

The Mill End base price is for up to 25 guests over 10 bed­rooms, with 7 bath­rooms. All leisure, spa and social spaces are avail­able to groups of this size, bar the kids TV/​play room. For big­ger groups you can add in oth­er parts of the house, usu­al­ly reserved for the own­ers. Or for real­ly big groups you can hire the cot­tage next door, belong­ing to my part­ner — please enquire for larg­er groups. Cor­po­rate team build­ing events are well catered for.

Mill End is a per­fect large house com­plex for fam­i­ly re-unions; big birth­day par­ties, extend­ed fam­i­ly gath­er­ings, wed­ding anniver­saries, day time devel­op­ment days & train­ing or mid-week team build­ing or spa retreats.

Mill End is on the edge of a vil­lage, which has all the shops & take­aways you might need for a week­end away in a quirky coun­try house.

Mill End Mitcheldean is a big medieval prop­er­ty with large ban­quet­ing hall, which caters for large groups for 2 or 3 night week­end stays, sleeps up to 25, or more if the own­er’s part of the house is hired or the cot­tage next door. Please enquire for groups over 25.

Stan­dard book­ings and prices are for up to 25 guests over 10 bedrooms.

Pets are wel­come (£25 per dog) & the house has spa facil­i­ties, cock­tail bar, sol­id fuel stove & pool table. Cor­po­rate mid-week team build­ing events are also well catered for.

It is a per­fect large house com­plex for fam­i­ly re-unions; big birth­day par­ties, extend­ed fam­i­ly gath­er­ings, wed­ding anniver­saries, day time devel­op­ment days & train­ing or mid-week team build­ing or spa retreats.

Mill End is on the edge of a vil­lage, which has all the shops & take­aways you might need for a week­end away in a quirky coun­try house. It is not a DJ/​decks/​outdoor music house though as it is in a vil­lage location.

Mill End is 3 prop­er­ties inter­nal­ly linked, lov­ing­ly con­vert­ed over the years by ex-fash­ion design­er Liz Lewitt. The pri­vate court­yard gar­den has a Mediter­ranean feel & has great views and walks up the hills & into local wood­land with every­thing else the For­est of Dean & Wye Val­ley offer close by. Fur­ther wood­land trails are 5 min­utes walk away, with a mono­lith­ic well for cold water plung­ing, moun­tain bike tracks & rivers for canoe­ing & SUP.

Mill End loves hen par­ties & launched Mill End Hen Par­ties with Bor­del­lo Ban­quets in 2020, with bespoke themed week­ends & the ever pop­u­lar Ten for £10 — ten meals, activ­i­ties & enter­tain­ment for £10 pr head pr item for a set itinerary.

Bor­del­lo Ban­quets offers graze tables, cock­tails, cook­ery class­es, pam­per treat­ments, themed tea par­ties, sewing bee crafts, gin mixol­o­gy, wine tast­ing, boudoir pho­tog­ra­phy & bur­lesque dance class­es, vin­tage chi­na hire, seat­ed din­ners, full Eng­lish break­fasts, Mad Hat­ter’s Tea Par­ties & Mur­der Mystery.

Near­by Ross on Wye offers pubs, restau­rants, cafes, antique shops & riv­er walks 15 min­utes dri­ve away.

If you are a small group, like our style & want the whole hot tub/​outdoor wood fired sauna vibe, my part­ner owns the cot­tage next door com­fort­ably sleep­ing 6 (8 at a push). For small­er school hol­i­day or mid-week fam­i­ly gath­er­ings, retreats or cor­po­rate train­ing please ask about this for a mid-week, small­er group quote for Mill End.


Mill End Mitcheldean has a fan­tas­tic open plan ban­quet­ing hall seat­ing 40 with island style kitchen at the end and every­thing you could need for cater­ing for large groups. How­ev­er, if you don’t want to cook, then lit­tle sis­ter com­pa­ny www​.bor​del​loban​quets​.co​.uk can come in and cook for you, or offer class­es, train­ing, cock­tails, team build­ing or hen par­ty activ­i­ties. The low­er malt house has a large sit­ting room with a sec­ond kitchen, includ­ing a cock­tail bar, with equip­ment and cock­tail books, set up pre­dom­i­nant­ly for bak­ing and break­fasts, and mean­ing that guests can divide into groups and cook in a come dine with me’ style, cre­at­ing a course each. There is a play­room full of toys and games for kids or to be used as a break­out room for cor­po­rates. And the green oak and glass gar­den room also has sofas, a sol­id fuel stove and a pool table mas­querad­ing as a din­ing table.


The car park can hold 13 cars (small ones!) and it is a first in, last out. But there is free on street park­ing near­by and a pay and dis­play car park just off the high st. The court­yard gar­den is very pri­vate and has lots of seat­ing, a hot tub, and a chil­dren’s play area. And a BBQ area with a fire pit too, with use of the BBQ and/​or logs for the sol­id fuel stove and fire pit. The court­yard leads straight from the gar­den room and gets the sun ALL day. A total sun trap!

And the wood­land imme­di­ate­ly around Mill End can be accessed on foot from the house, or into acres of Forestry Eng­land wood­land a five minute dri­ve away. There are many out­door pur­suits in wood­land and on water through­out the For­est of Dean.


Load­ing map…

Own­er’s Big Deal — Save £850

Book between 10th Jan and 28th Feb 2025

£2,500 £3,350

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 34 peo­ple in 17 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 6 Baths
  • 3 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 40 people
  • off street parking
  • Pets allowed £25.00 per dog to flea bomb & deep clean after a stay


View availability

Short breaks?

Two night week­ends accept­ed — deal prices are for 2 night weekends

Changeover day

Fri­days & Mondays

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 2
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 5
  • Twin Rooms: 5
  • Cots: 2

Mill End Mitcheldean has themed bed­rooms designed by ex fash­ion design­er Liz Lewitt. They range from small bunk rooms, with a dou­ble on the bot­tom, so they can work as a twin or a dou­ble (we nev­er let them to 3) through to the fan­tas­tic four poster room with free stand­ing bath in the room. Link through to the web­site for the list & gallery of bed­rooms & bath­rooms per part of the house. https://www.millendmitcheldean… You can hire the house in blocks of up to 25 guests over 10 bed­rooms, or mes­sage me to find out about larg­er groups, hir­ing the cot­tage next door.


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • iPod dock

There are three tele­vi­sions over the main house and anoth­er one in the cot­tage next door, if that is hired too. There is giga­clear high speed wifi for those need­ing to work from Mill End or for cor­po­rate events or team build­ing. We offer mid week reduced rate prices for dig­i­tal nomads or for small groups who want to do team build­ing or train­ing at Mill End. The upper malt house has 2 dish­wash­ers and 3 fridges, the low­er malt house has a fur­ther dish­wash­er and fridge. So you should nev­er run out of facil­i­ties! The cot­tage next door has the same again should you hire that too.

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Sauna
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Play equip­ment
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Fish­ing
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports

The pri­vate court­yard gar­den has a Mediter­ranean feel & has great views and walks up the hills & into local wood­land with every­thing else the For­est of Dean & Wye Val­ley offer close by. Fur­ther wood­land trails are 5 min­utes walk away, with a mono­lith­ic well for cold water plung­ing, moun­tain bike tracks & rivers for canoe­ing & SUP. Near­by Ross on Wye offers pubs, restau­rants, cafes, antique shops & riv­er walks 15 min­utes dri­ve away. The For­est of Dean offers so much for fam­i­ly enter­tain­ment and for chil­dren of all ages — from Ped­al­abike­away to Beechen­hurst Sculp­ture trail, from archery to shoot­ing — your best bet is to vis­it the WVFD­TA web­site. Or we can link you up with any num­ber of out­door active ser­vice providers.


Dates Price
Mid week per night for up to 25 guests
12th Aug 2024 — 31st Dec 2025 
2 night week­end for up to 25 guests
1st Jan 2025 — 31st Dec 2025 