

A col­lec­tion of lux­u­ry hol­i­day hous­es ide­al for large gath­er­ings. Sit­u­at­ed in a peace­ful rur­al hamlet .

Pike­hall, Derbyshire 

Spa­cious, 24 bed­rooms all with en suite facil­i­ties in a pic­turesque location

Hol­ly Bush Farm Retreat offers you 24 bed­rooms in total each hav­ing their own en suites, all bed­rooms are designed to their own per­son­al style enabling you to enjoy a relaxed and com­fort­able stay. Sit­u­at­ed in Pike­hall near Mat­lock you are in the heart of the Peak Dis­trict, sur­round­ed by open counytryside.

The prop­er­ty can sleep up to 50 peo­ple, with an array of sleep­ing options of twin, dou­ble or bunk beds to choose from depend­ing on your group. The site con­sists of 3 dwellings, The Barn with 9 bed­rooms, The Annexe has 6 ground floor bed­rooms and The Farm­house has 9 bedrooms. 

The main com­mu­nal area for din­ing is sit­u­at­ed in The Barn, here you can seat 48 guests. There is an addi­tion­al kitchen in The Farm­house should you want to enter­tain a small­er num­ber of your group, this will cater for 10 – 12 guests. Both kitchens are equipped to the high­est stan­dard with all the mod cons that you will expect to find, to enable your stay to be as easy and straight for­ward as possible. 

Hol­ly Bush Farm Retreat offers plen­ty of com­fort­able lounges to enjoy, and there is even a con­vert­ed cel­lar ide­al for the chil­dren to tuck them­selves away and have their own space.

Above the Annexe bed­rooms there is a fab­u­lous Games Room, with pool table, TV and com­fy seat­ing areas.

The out­side area boasts fan­tas­tic views, 2 large BBQ’s, pic­nic bench­es and lawned areas for your out­door activ­i­ties. Ample park­ing is available.

Spe­cial Features

All bed­rooms have en suite or bath­room facil­i­ties, games room and spa­cious com­mu­nal areas.


Mod­ern, ful­ly equipped kitchen with all the appli­ances you would expect to find for your stay. An abun­dance of crock­ery, glass­ware, pots, pans and cut­lery are avail­able for the max­i­mum num­ber of guests at this prop­er­ty. Cafetieres and food proces­sors are also read­i­ly avail­able. With plen­ty of sep­a­rate lounges to sit and enjoy relax­ing with your guests you will not be short of space. The games room is a real treat, com­fy seat­ing, kitch­enette area, tv and a pool table, ide­al for the young (and old­er ones) to enjoy. You can enjoy all din­ing togeth­er in The Barn that seats 48 peo­ple so great for that big group get togeth­er or should you wish to break down the group at all there is seat­ing for 10 – 12 in The Farm­house. All bed­rooms have en suites or bath­room facil­i­ties and are dec­o­rat­ed to a high stan­dard with excep­tion­al fin­ish­es to each room.


Out­side there is a good sized patio where you can sit and enjoy the sum­mer months on the pic­nic bench­es pro­vid­ed. There are 2 BBQ’s for the guests use — we do ask you to bring your own char­coal, as this is not supplied.

Sit­u­at­ed to the front and side of the prop­er­ty there are a cou­ple of lawned areas where you can enjoy some out­doors games. This prop­er­ty is sur­round­ed by the Peak Dis­trict coun­try­side so an ide­al loca­tion to start your days activ­i­ties of cycling, walk­ing or what­ev­er your plans are for your stay.

Ample park­ing for 20 cars

Load­ing map…

Local Area

Hol­ly Bush Farm Retreat is sit­u­at­ed in the rur­al loca­tion of Pike­hall which is not far from the town of Mat­lock. Here you can enjoy the day brows­ing the shops or hav­ing fun in the local park. Mat­lock Bath is near­by too, in Octo­ber you can enjoy the illu­mi­na­tions and in the day the vil­lage offers an array of shops / cafes and pubs to sit and peo­ple watch through­out the day. There is Gul­liv­ers King­dom, the Heights of Abra­ham and Mat­lock Park Farm for a fun filled day out for the children.

The pop­u­lar town of Bakewell is a short dri­ve away, where you can enjoy the his­toric cat­tle mar­ket held every Mon­day, or look around the stalls of the mar­ket siti­aut­ed in the cen­tre of the town. The stun­ning coun­try hous­es of Chatsworth and Had­don Hall are close enough to enjoy a great day out to enter­tain all the family.

Cars­ing­ton Water is 20 min­utes away by car, here you can try out the water sports of sail­ing, kayak­ing, pad­dle board­ing. A restau­rant and vis­i­tors shop is on site too.

Being in the Peak Dis­trict you are sur­round­ed by coun­try walks for you to plan, stop­ping off at the local pubs for a well deserved refresh­ment is a must. 

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • The Roy­al Oak (10Km)


  • Mat­lock (13Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Mat­lock (11Km)
  • Bux­ton (22Km)


  • Man­ches­ter Air­port (58Km)
  • East Mid­lands Air­port (59Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 50 peo­ple in 24 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 3 Baths
  • 21 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 48 people
  • 15 – 20
  • Pets allowed Max 6 dogs @ £30 per dog — none allowed in the Annexe


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day

Fri­day & Mon­day but we can be flexible

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 6
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 9
  • Twin Rooms: 9
  • Cots: 5


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • DVD play­er

Games Room with pool table, tv and dvd. There are sev­er­al TV’s locat­ed around the prop­er­ty in the lounge areas and in some of the bed­rooms. All TV’s have HDMI facil­i­ties but you will need to bring your own HDMI. Blue tooth speak­ers are avail­able which are com­pat­i­ble with all phones and devices that have Blue tooth.

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Sail­ing
  • Water­sports


Dates Price
Prices per week start from
25th Jan 2024 — 31st Dec 2024 