

5* lux­u­ry prop­er­ty sleeps up to 20 all in en-suite bedrooms

High­er Wis­combe, Devon 

Lux­u­ry ensuite accom­mo­da­tion for twen­ty peo­ple, ten en-suite bed­rooms and huge space for relax­ing. Seat­ing and din­ing for up to 34 guests togeth­er inside or out. Access to an out­door heat­ed pool dur­ing the summer. 

The Win­ery is a spa­cious detached barn con­ver­sion sleep­ing 20 which is per­fect for large house par­ties, reunions, fam­i­ly get togeth­ers, birth­day par­ties and anniver­saries. There are ten ensuite bed­rooms, four per­ma­nent dou­bles and six can be 3′ twins or 6′ dou­bles. The oak din­ing table can seat up to 34 when the oth­er cot­tages are booked in con­junc­tion with the Win­ery. See our list­ings for 26 and 32 under the same High­er Wis­combe name.

Near the South West Coast Path and the Juras­sic Coast World Her­itage Site, the prop­er­ty sits in a pri­vate val­ley at the cen­tre of East Devon’s Nation­al Land­scape, with our own 52 acres to explore, includ­ing woods, orchards, fields and streams.

Our web­site has vir­tu­al tours of each cot­tage, along with floor­plans and a wealth of infor­ma­tion about the local area. The web­site also has online avail­abil­i­ty, pric­ing and booking.

The large kitchen/​dining/​living room, com­plete with a bar is per­fect for host­ing a large group. A pantry off the liv­ing area pro­vides extra cook­ing, wash­ing up and food stor­age space and a sec­ond large liv­ing area upstairs with a wood burn­er and TV is great for mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional groups. Pro­fes­sion­al cater­ers are avail­able and we have a list that we rec­om­mend. Dur­ing the sum­mer, there is a heat­ed out­door pool which is shared by all of the cot­tages and oper­ates on a timetable sys­tem mean­ing that you have exclu­sive use with­in your slots. We have a games room which has a table ten­nis table and table football. 

We have many fab­u­lous restau­rants near­by, includ­ing Riv­er Cot­tage, The Pig at Combe, Michael Caine’s Lymp­stone Manor, Hix’s Oys­ter and Fish Restau­rant and many great local pubs. 

High­er Wis­combe have been win­ners of many awards includ­ing best Hol­i­day Cot­tages in the South West, Win­ner of the Nation­al Self Cater­ing Hol­i­day of the Year, Best Dog-Friend­­ly Busi­ness and numer­ous envi­ron­men­tal awards, includ­ing a Gold Green Tourism Busi­ness Scheme award. The two three bed­roomed cot­tages and a one bed­roomed cot­tage, all ensuite, are set around the same court­yard as The Win­ery and can be booked in con­junc­tion to take capac­i­ty to 26, 32 or 34. Our web­site is www​.high​er​wis​combe​.com

Spe­cial Features

All of our bed­rooms are ensuite. There is room for all guests to dine and relax togeth­er in one space. The Win­ery has its own bar.


The Win­ery has four large dou­ble bed­rooms with six foot wide beds, all en suite and six fur­ther ensuite bed­rooms that can be 3’ twins or 6’ doubles. 

The large upstairs sit­ting room has a log burn­er, SmartTV and French doors that open out onto a large ter­race. Down­stairs there is a large living/​dining/​kitchen area with room for unto 34 guests to dine and relax. A SmartTV with sound­bar is locat­ed down here too and the liv­ing area hous­es a Bar and opens out onto a pri­vate ter­race and gar­den. The din­ing area has a sec­ond log burn­er. There is a pantry locat­ed off the liv­ing area to pro­vide addi­tion­al cook­ing, wash­ing up and food stor­age space. 

The Win­ery has a sep­a­rate laun­dry room with wash­ing machines and tum­ble dry­ers. There are three small­er barns on the same court­yard, two of which sleep six in three en suite bed­rooms and one which is a lux­u­ry bolt­hole for two guests, ide­al for the larg­er party. 


The Win­ery has two large pri­vate ter­races, which are not over­looked, with a won­der­ful view of the unspoilt val­ley below. 

Ample qual­i­ty fur­ni­ture is pro­vid­ed to sit out­side in the warmer months and a large Weber bar­beque is avail­able (gas pro­vid­ed). V

isi­tors are free to roam the 52-acre grounds, which include wood­lands, orchards, pas­ture and streams with abun­dant wildlife. We also have a 500-year-old Oak tree that is des­ig­nat­ed one of the Great Trees of East Devon on our land that forms part of a Coun­ty Wildlife Site. Ded­i­cat­ed park­ing spaces for up to 10 cars when book­ing The Old Win­ery and more avail­able near­by if required. 

There is an out­door heat­ed swim­ming pool dur­ing the sum­mer, which guests have allo­cat­ed exclu­sive slots for. There is also an indoor games room with full size table ten­nis and a table foot­ball table. EV charg­ing is available.

Load­ing map…

Local Area

The prop­er­ty is per­fect­ly sit­u­at­ed for the Juras­sic Coast, with it’s beach­es at Lyme Reg­is, Beer, Branscombe and Sidmouth.

Super­mar­ket deliv­er­ies can be ordered from Wait­rose, Tesco and Sains­burys. Wait­rose, Sains­bury’s and Tesco are all with­in a ten minute drive. 

Fab­u­lous local restau­rants includ­ing the two best gas­tro pubs in the South West with­in five miles, plus Hugh Fearn­ley-Whit­tingstalls Riv­er Cot­tage And Hix’s Oys­ter and Fish with­in fif­teen miles. 

The East Devon Way can be accessed on foot. It is an excel­lent base to explore the West Country. 

Near to numer­ous Nation­al Trust prop­er­ties, RSPB reserves, Dart­moor, Exmoor, Pec­o­ra­ma and The Her­itage Coast Walk. 

Guests receive a com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion pack on local attrac­tions, take-aways, places of inter­est and where to buy the best local food.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • The Pig Hotel (7Km)
  • The Holt (7Km)
  • Riv­er Cot­tage (20Km)


  • Wait­rose (7Km)
  • Sains­bury’s (7Km)
  • Tesco (7Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Honi­ton (7Km)


  • Exeter (20Km)
  • Bris­tol (80Km)


Vis­it Eng­land — Five Star Gold 

Green Tourism Busi­ness Scheme Gold award 

Vis­it Devon 2016 Best Self-Cater­ing Cottages 

Vis­it Devon Best Dog-Friend­ly Accom­ma­da­tion 2015 

Vis­it Eng­land Rose Award for Out­stand­ing Cus­tomer Ser­vice 2015 

Vis­it Eng­land Nation­al Tourism Awards 

Vis­it Devon 202021 Best Self-Cater­ing Cottages 

South West Tourism 202021 Best Self-Catering 

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 20 peo­ple in 10 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 2 Baths
  • 10 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 34 people
  • 10+
  • Pets allowed Dogs very wel­come! Please con­tact us to dis­cuss your requirements!


View availability

Short breaks?

Out of season

Changeover day

Fri­day and Mondays

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Dou­ble Rooms: 4
  • Twin Rooms: 6
  • Cots: 3

4 of the bed­rooms are fixed dou­bles. The remain­ing 6 can be set as twins, or doubles.


  • WiFi/​Internet
  • Own­ers on site

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • Stereo sys­tem

42” flat screen TV & table ten­nis & table football

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Swim­ming pool (out­door)
  • Swim­ming pool (shared)
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Ten­nis
  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Sail­ing
  • Beach
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports

Sail­ing and Water­sport’s at Sid­mouth, Exmouth and Lyme Reg­is and col­lect­ing fos­sils at Charmouth. 

Fab­u­lous local restau­rants includ­ing the two best gas­tro pubs in the South West with­in five miles, plus Hugh Fearn­­ley-Whit­t­ingstalls Riv­er Cot­tage And Hix’s Oys­ter and Fish with­in fif­teen miles. 

The East Devon Way can be accessed on foot. The South West Coast Path is just a short dis­tance away. 

It is an excel­lent base to explore the West Coun­try. Near to numer­ous Nation­al Trust prop­er­ties, RSPB reserves, Dart­moor, Exmoor, Pec­o­ra­ma and The Her­itage Coast Walk. 

Guests receive a com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion pack on local attrac­tions, take-aways, places of inter­est and where to buy the best local food.


Dates Price
Low Sea­son — 1 week — Sleeps 20 from:
11th Jun 2024 — 31st Dec 2024 
High sea­son — 1 week — Sleeps 20
11th Jun 2024 — 31st Dec 2024 
Mid sea­son — 1 week- sleeps 20
11th Jun 2024 — 31st Dec 2024 