

Arden Hill Farm House The per­fect venue to host your hen Par­ty Holiday

Strat­ford upon Avon, Warwickshire 

Cen­tral Eng­land 16 sin­gles or dou­bles ide­al for hen par­ty bookings


16 sin­gle beds or dou­bles its your choice

Lux­u­ry Jacuzzi Hot Tub, Snook­er Room, Din­ing Table for 16 Guests. Cen­tral England

Reser­va­tions: 03033 332211 or M: 07899 332211

We have great plea­sure in wel­com­ing all prospec­tive Hens to our Hen Hol­i­day web­site and would like to thank the hun­dreds of Hens that have already stayed at our love­ly prop­er­ties over the years.

We are Shake­speare Hol­i­days and we own some of the most per­fect prop­er­ties to host your Hen Par­ty Holiday.

Naked But­ler

Whilst we cater for many dif­fer­ent types of hol­i­day groups (Birth­days, Re-unions, Wed­ding Anniver­saries, plus good old fash­ioned Holiday’s), a huge amount of our guests are now made up of Hen Groups. So much so that our prop­er­ty called Arden Hill Farm House is now affec­tion­ate­ly known as Arden Hill Hen House!’

What­ev­er your require­ments we can help you plan and organ­ise the per­fect Hol­i­day for your Hen Group and most impor­tant­ly to make it as spe­cial as pos­si­ble for the future Bride.

Whether it is a small group of just a few close friends or a large group of up to 26, we have the per­fect venue to make your Hen Hol­i­day a hol­i­day to remember.

Our prop­er­ties are all based around Strat­ford upon Avon, War­wick­shire, so if you do want to go out and about there is a huge amount of choice regard­ing local pubs, restau­rants, tourist attrac­tions, shops and sightseeing.

Also there are an abun­dance of activ­i­ties that can be organised.

You are wel­come to organ­ise your own activ­i­ties or if you would like some help, we have obvi­ous­ly built up many con­tacts and ideas over the years and can put you in touch with all the right peo­ple to make this the Hol­i­day of a Life­time and put a big smile on the Hen Bride’s face.

Some Hen Groups like to take it easy and lounge around the Hot Tub dur­ing the day. Maybe get a Beau­ti­cian in to have some relax­ing treat­ments and fol­low it all up with a pro­fes­sion­al pri­vate cater­ing ser­vice in the evening.

Oth­ers are up at the crack of dawn enjoy­ing activ­i­ties such as archery, clay pigeon shoot­ing, quad bik­ing, cake mak­ing, hot air bal­loon­ing etc etc.

The choice is endless!

There are also oth­er events that can be organ­ised at the prop­er­ties such as mur­der mys­tery, medieval ban­quets, sword fight­ing dis­plays, bird of prey expe­ri­ences and many more.

It can be as relax­ing or as exhaust­ing as you like.

Some of our Hen Groups have some fun by employ­ing the ser­vices of a semi naked But­ler’ to serve drinks all night or even hav­ing a com­plete Cock­tail Bar and wait­er for the evening.

The extent of your Hen Hol­i­day is only lim­it­ed by your own imagination.

With Hol­i­day prop­er­ties avail­able from around only £20 per Hen per night (depend­ing on group size, dates and prop­er­ty required), this is the per­fect way to indulge in that very spe­cial, pri­vate and exclu­sive Hen Par­ty Hol­i­day at an afford­able price.

Please browse through our web­site at the var­i­ous lux­u­ry prop­er­ties avail­able, along with sug­ges­tions for activ­i­ties and cater­ing services.

We wel­come your enquiries by either phone or email and will be hap­py to give advice and check avail­abil­i­ty of dates and properties.

Once you decide on the ide­al prop­er­ty and date we can put the prop­er­ty on hold for you and set­up an easy pay­ment plan lead­ing up to the big event.

To see our reg­u­lar hol­i­day prop­er­ties please go to www​.shake​speare​hol​i​days​.co​.uk

To find out more, get in touch on either:

03033 332211 (free from land­lines as part of your inclu­sive call pack­age)
07899 332211 mobile


Thank you.

Spe­cial Features

Snooker/​Pool Table
Hot Tub
Pri­vate Gardens
Spec­tac­u­lar views
Only 2.5 miles from Strat­ford upon Avon.
Lux­u­ry prop­er­ty to cater for your every need.


A large lux­u­ry Farm­house with Longe com­plete with SKY TV on a Large LCD Flat Screen TV.
Din­ing Room
Snook­er Room
Break­fast Kitchen
Down­stairs twin bedroom.
5 Large upstairs bed­rooms that can be con­fig­ured to suit your needs.

Load­ing map…

Local Area

Near­by is Strat­ford-upon-Avon, famous for the Bard, William Shake­speare and the world renowned RSC. Guid­ed bus tours and boat trips on the riv­er Avon are very pop­u­lar, as are the spe­cial­ist and antique shops. For Shake­speare enthu­si­asts there are 5 his­toric prop­er­ties to vis­it. His­toric War­wick with its famous cas­tle and the beau­ti­ful Cotswolds vil­lages are only a short dri­ve away. The Nation­al Exhi­bi­tion Cen­tre, the Nation­al Indoor Are­na and the Nation­al Agri­cul­tur­al Cen­tre are all with­in easy reach. Avail­able local­ly are golf, horse rid­ing, fish­ing glid­ing, bal­loon­ing, cycle hire and spa facil­i­ties. In all a per­fect lux­u­ry hol­i­day house in the cen­tre of England.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Gold­en Cross (2Km)
  • Numer­ous pubs and restau­rants in Strat­ford (3Km)


  • Wim­cote vil­lage shop (2Km)
  • Retails Park in Strat­ford (3Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Wilm­cote train sta­tion (2Km)
  • Strat­ford upon Avon train sta­tion (4Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 16 peo­ple in 6 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 1 Bath
  • 3 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 16 people
  • 20


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day


Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 3
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 3

beds can all be split into sin­gles or dou­bles or mix


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • iPod dock

Snooker/​Pool Table
Lux­u­ry Hot Tub.

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Ten­nis
  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Horse rid­ing


Dates Price
Jan­u­ary Deal dates Plus add Sun­day for only £49
7th Jan 2025 — 9th Feb 2025 
Mid­week three night break Prices from
9th Feb 2025 — 18th Dec 2025 