

For­est House, Cole­ford, sleeps 12 – 25 in the heart of the For­est of Dean

Cole­ford, Gloucestershire 

For­est House is locat­ed in the cen­tre of Cole­ford, the per­fect loca­tion from which to explore the For­est of Dean and Wye Val­ley. The prop­er­ty sleeps 25 in 11 en suite bed­rooms, and also offers a large din­ing room, a real chefs kitchen, a cou­ple of lounges and you own games room with Pool table. Out­side in the beau­ti­ful­ly main­tained gar­dens there is plen­ty of seat­ing, a bar­beque and a hot tub. 

For­est House is a for­mer 4* hotel which has been con­vert­ed into self-cater­ing accom­mo­da­tion for large groups of hol­i­day­mak­ers. Sleep­ing 25 in 11 ensuite bed­rooms, the prop­er­ty also ben­e­fits from a real chef’s kitchen, din­ing room large enough to seat every­one, a cou­ple of lounges and its own games room with a Pool table. Out­side the stun­ning gar­dens are beau­ti­ful­ly main­tained with a patio seat­ing area, BBQ and hot tub. Based in the cen­tre of Cole­ford you ben­e­fit from hav­ing shops, pubs, places to eat and a cin­e­ma all with­in a short walk, yet just 5 min­utes from your front door you can also access the scenic trails of the For­est of Dean. With such fab­u­lous scenery it’s a great place to ram­ble, and it’s dog-friend­ly. Per­fect for lovers of the outdoors!

Cole­ford is a great base from which to explore the For­est of Dean and dis­cov­er a fas­ci­nat­ing her­itage unlike any­where else in Eng­land – there are plen­ty of things to see and do with the kids — vis­it muse­ums and his­toric build­ings, cas­tles and ancient church­es. For­est House itself holds par­tic­u­lar inter­est in the area as it was once the home of Robert Mushet, the inven­tor of steel.

You are spoilt for choice for fas­ci­nat­ing days out; fol­low in the foot­steps of Dr Who, Mer­lin and Atlantis through the maze of mossy path­ways and twist­ed roots of the mys­ti­cal Puz­zle­wood, four­teen acres of ancient wood­land; or learn about our indus­tri­al her­itage at Clear­well Caves where iron ore was mined for over 4000 years; or steam through the For­est on the Dean For­est Railway. 

For adven­ture lovers and thrill seek­ers there’s some­thing to suit all ages and expec­ta­tions in the For­est of Dean and Wye Val­ley. Dis­cov­er a nat­ur­al play­ground con­nect­ed by zip wires, moun­tain bike trails, bri­dle­ways, ancient caves, tree­top assault cours­es and riv­er rapids. Whether you explore on foot, by ped­al pow­er, or even pad­dling down the riv­er on a watery adven­ture, intre­pid vis­i­tors can delight in the beau­ti­ful scenery. And at the end of a long day explor­ing you can head home to the com­fort of For­est House for a meal/​BBQ, to play games, or even to chill out in the hot tub. Perfection!

Spe­cial Features

Hav­ing most recent­ly been run as a 4* hotel, For­est House still has a superb chef’s kitchen and din­ing room large enough to seat every­one in your group. There’s a cou­ple of lounges to relax and your own games rooms with a Pool table.

There is a ground floor bed­room with ensuite/​disabled toilet.

Out­side the gar­dens are small but beau­ti­ful­ly main­tained, with plen­ty of seat­ing and a great hot tub area. 


On the ground floor there are 2 lounge areas, a games room, large din­ing room and chef’s kitchen. Two bedooms are also locat­ed on the ground floor one ensuite and the oth­er with a show­er room adja­cent. Two fur­ther cloak­rooms with WC.

The rest of the bed­rooms occu­py the 1st and 2nd floors of the property.


Out­side there Is a secure gar­den with bar­be­cue, fur­nished patio and a Hot Tub area. There is a car park to the rear of the prop­er­ty, and ample road­side park­ing nearby.

Load­ing map…

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 24 peo­ple in 11 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 2 Baths
  • 8 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 24 people
  • 8
  • Pets allowed 2 dogs


View availability

Short breaks?

2 or 3 night week­ends available

Changeover day


Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 2
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 5
  • Twin Rooms: 4
  • Cots: 2

There are two ground floor rooms that are inter­con­nect­ed, with an ensuite/​disabled toilet.

3 of the dou­ble’ rooms are kingsize.

One fam­i­ly room is a dou­ble and a sofa bed. Sec­ond fam­i­ly room is a dou­ble and 2 singles.


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV

Games room with pool table, sonos speak­ers, smart tv to allow stream­ing from your own account

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing