

Peak Dis­trict self-cater­ing prop­er­ty with 17 bed­rooms. Ide­al­ly locat­ed for Bux­ton, Chatsworth, Bakewell and Matlock

Longn­or , Derbyshire 

Stay in a one-of-a-kind self-cater­ing prop­er­ty with 17 bed­rooms, includ­ing 3 on the ground floor, and 14 bath­rooms or en suites, pro­vid­ing lux­u­ri­ous accom­mo­da­tions for up to 34 guests. This dog-friend­ly haven offers an exclu­sive expe­ri­ence in your very own vil­lage pub, fea­tur­ing hotel-style rooms and charm­ing cot­tages in the court­yard. Sit­u­at­ed close to the spa town of Bux­ton and with­in a 20-minute dri­ve to the mar­ket towns of Bakewell and Ashbourne.

Built in 1864 as a charm­ing vil­lage Coach­ing Inn, the Crewe and Harpur Arms stands as a his­toric land­mark in the serene rur­al vil­lage of Longn­or. Nes­tled on the west­ern edge of the Peak Dis­trict Nation­al Park, this pub offers breath­tak­ing panoram­ic views of the rolling coun­try­side. Designed with group gath­er­ings in mind, this unique venue pro­vides guests with the exclu­sive use of their pri­vate pub, cre­at­ing an authen­tic and inti­mate experience.

Din­ing takes on a tra­di­tion­al pub ambiance with­in the orig­i­nal bar area, where sol­id oak tables hand­craft­ed by local arti­sans offer flex­i­ble seat­ing arrange­ments for shared meals. Enjoy the free­dom to pull your own pints or ful­ly stock the bar accord­ing to your pref­er­ences (please note exter­nal beer for pumps is not allowed). The ful­ly equipped kitchen fea­tures two dou­ble range cook­ers, an abun­dance of cook­ware, microwave, and a com­pre­hen­sive selec­tion of crock­ery, uten­sils, and glassware.

Social spaces abound, includ­ing a spa­cious lounge with com­fort­able sofas for unwind­ing. The bar and din­ing room fea­ture a cus­tomiz­able oak bar stocked with glass­ware and an ice machine. Enter­tain­ment options include a dart­board, and a small­er games room adja­cent to the kitchen pro­vides table ten­nis and table football.

Com­pris­ing a main build­ing and three tra­di­tion­al stone-built cot­tages in a pri­vate court­yard, the venue offers a total of 17 bou­tique-style bed­rooms. Most bed­rooms boast beau­ti­ful en-suite facil­i­ties, accom­mo­dat­ing flex­i­ble sleep­ing arrange­ments for larg­er groups, accom­mo­dat­ing up to 34 guests. The Crewe and Harpur Arms seam­less­ly blends his­toric charm with mod­ern ameni­ties, pro­vid­ing a dis­tinc­tive and mem­o­rable set­ting for group retreats.

Spe­cial Features

We can help with sup­ply­ing 2 bar­rels of ale to be put on the hand pumps in the bar. Please note you can sup­ply your own kegs. 


The Crewe and Harpur boasts an array of invit­ing social areas and com­mu­nal spaces. The expan­sive lounge, fur­nished with com­fort­able sofas, serves as a per­fect relax­ation haven. Tran­si­tion into the bar and din­ing room where you can perch on a barstool at the orig­i­nal oak bar. Plen­ty of glass­ware, drink/​wine fridges, and an ice machine are at your dis­pos­al. The seat­ing vari­ety, includ­ing bun­kettes, bench­es, and din­ing chairs, encour­ages infor­mal gatherings.

For added enter­tain­ment, enjoy a clas­sic pub expe­ri­ence with a dart­board, and dis­cov­er a small­er games room with junior table ten­nis and table foot­ball adja­cent to the kitchen. The orig­i­nal bar area cre­ates a tra­di­tion­al pub atmos­phere, with sol­id oak tables hand­craft­ed by local arti­sans offer­ing flex­i­ble din­ing options. You have the choice to pull your own pints (please note that you can only order beer through our rec­om­mend­ed sup­pli­er) or ful­ly stock the bar to your liking.

The ful­ly equipped kitchen, fea­tur­ing two dou­ble range cook­ers and abun­dant cook­ware, con­nects seam­less­ly to the util­i­ty room, offer­ing addi­tion­al stor­age, two dish­wash­ers, wash­ing machine, and sink areas. With exten­sive facil­i­ties, you can choose to self-cater or engage with one of our rec­om­mend­ed cater­ing partners.

Pre­serv­ing orig­i­nal fea­tures such as exposed stone walls and beamed ceil­ings, each bed­room under­goes a taste­ful refur­bish­ment with warm Far­row and Ball colours, lux­u­ri­ous bed linens, neu­tral car­pets, and exquis­ite cur­tain fab­rics. The Crewe and Harpur com­pris­es a main build­ing and three stone cot­tages in the pri­vate court­yard, totalling 17 bou­tique-style bed­rooms, most with beau­ti­ful en-suites. Flex­i­bil­i­ty is ensured with options for dou­bles, twins, and 3 ground floor bed­rooms. The venue strikes a per­fect bal­ance between his­tor­i­cal charm and con­tem­po­rary com­fort, offer­ing an ide­al set­ting for larg­er groups.


Dis­cov­er three pri­vate out­door spaces at The Crewe for your exclu­sive enjoy­ment. Nes­tled between the main build­ing and cot­tages, the court­yard fea­tures out­door fur­ni­ture, includ­ing pic­nic bench­es, cre­at­ing an ide­al set­ting for a BBQ. We pro­vide 2 x large oil drum BBQs, avail­able for use from April 1st to Octo­ber 31st (please bring your own char­coal and light­ing equipment).

A paved patio at the rear offers panoram­ic views over the val­ley towards the Riv­er Dove. Adja­cent to the pri­vate car park, a small lawned gar­den adds a touch of greenery.

Sit­u­at­ed in the heart of Long­nor’s old mar­ket square, The Crewe and Harpur enjoys a prime loca­tion. The square is sur­round­ed by a pop­u­lar fish and chip shop and vil­lage shop. There is also a pub and post office in the vil­lage too. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, the main car park behind Etwell Cot­tage fea­tures 2 x 7kw Elec­tric Vehi­cle charg­ing points, ensur­ing eco-friend­ly con­ve­nience for your stay (min­i­mal charges apply).

Load­ing map…

Local Area

Posi­tioned in the heart of the Stafford­shire Moor­lands, the vil­lage of Longn­or is nes­tled between the flow­ing Riv­er Dove to the East and the mean­der­ing Riv­er Man­i­fold to the West, cre­at­ing an ide­al van­tage point for expe­ri­enc­ing the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of the nation­al park. Explore near­by caves and cav­erns, or ven­ture to The Roach­es, fea­tur­ing Hen Cloud and Ramshaw Rocks, offer­ing a pletho­ra of oppor­tu­ni­ties for rock climb­ing, cycling, and walk­ing. Eas­i­ly acces­si­ble are Dove Dale with its renowned step­ping stones and the pic­turesque Man­i­fold Valley.

Just a short 10 to 15-minute dri­ve away lies the famous Der­byshire spa town of Bux­ton, boast­ing attrac­tions such as the Opera House, pavil­ion gar­dens, and a vibrant the­atre scene. Addi­tion­al­ly, the charm­ing mar­ket towns of Bakewell and Ash­bourne are with­in a con­ve­nient 20-minute dri­ve, each offer­ing their unique charm. Enhance your cul­tur­al expe­ri­ence with vis­its to renowned land­marks, includ­ing Chatsworth House, Had­don Hall, Tiss­ing­ton Hall, all with­in a half-hour dri­ve, or indulge in the thrills of Alton Tow­ers nearby.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Cheshire Cheese pub (0Km)


  • Vil­lage shop (0Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Bux­ton (11Km)


  • Man­ches­ter (43Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 34 peo­ple in 17 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 5 Baths
  • 9 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 34 people
  • Park­ing for up to 20 cars in the car park.
  • Pets allowed Dogs are wel­come and there is a charge of £30 per dog.


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day

Friday/​Monday but we can be flexible

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Dou­ble Rooms: 9
  • Twin Rooms: 8
  • Cots: 3

There are a total of 17 bed­rooms, 12 of these bed­rooms are ensuites and there are a fur­ther 2 shared fam­i­ly bath­rooms. Most bed­rooms can be made up as King size dou­bles or twins. There are 3 bed­rooms locat­ed on the ground floor.


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • Stereo sys­tem

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Horse rid­ing

Go Ape in Bux­ton is great for the fam­i­ly. Bux­ton and Bakewell also have their own pub­lic swim­ming pools.


Dates Price
Prices per week start from
1st Jan 2024 — 31st Dec 2024 