

Gor­geous coun­try house near Bath, Somerset

Clut­ton on the Mendips, Somerset 

  • Great val­ue par­ty house for groups of 20+
  • Sleeps 28 (up to 34 with 6 fold­away beds)
  • Close to Bath, only 2½ hours from London
  • Grand din­ing room to seat the entire group
  • Lots of ground-floor space and big garden

A spa­cious prop­er­ty in its own pri­vate 1‑acre grounds, Chol­well Hall is pop­u­lar with large groups for fam­i­ly reunions, spe­cial birth­days and oth­er anniver­saries, and we also take upmar­ket hen and stag groups. There are 10 bed­rooms, some of them huge capa­ble of tak­ing a fam­i­ly, and there are 6 well-equipped bath­rooms. You will be impressed by the size of the kitchen and its enor­mous fridge and facil­i­ties, and your group will have oceans of space in the lounge for social­is­ing and hav­ing your par­ty. Many groups go self-cater­ing, but if you would like the extra lux­u­ry of catered meals we can sup­ply a list which includes cater­ers plus oth­er local ser­vice providers to help you with ideas for enter­tain­ment and activ­i­ties. Find more on chol​well​hall​.co​.uk

Load­ing map…

Rail­way stations

  • Bath Spa (0Km)
  • Bris­tol Tem­ple Meads (0Km)


  • Bris­tol Inter­na­tion­al (0Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 28 peo­ple in 10 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 6 Baths
  • Din­ing table for 30 people
  • 15

Short breaks?

Yes, 2 nights minimum

Changeover day

Nor­mal­ly a Fri­day, but can flex

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 5
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 1
  • Twin Rooms: 4
  • Cots: 2


  • Gar­den
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing