

Bil­ly’s Bothy, a qual­i­ty 56 bed­room hol­i­day cot­tage in the Peak Dis­trict sleeps 10 – 16 +2 cots

Ash­bourne, Derbyshire 

Large lux­u­ry Der­byshire self cater­ing par­ty cot­tage sleep­ing up to 16. Great for par­ties and large group holidays.

Bil­ly’s Bothy is a beau­ti­ful, large lux­u­ry Der­byshire self cater­ing cot­tage with 5 all en suite char­ac­ter bed­rooms accom­mo­dat­ing 10 plus 3. An option­al sixth en suite annexed bed­room is also avail­able at a sep­a­rate cost per night, giv­ing space for up to 16 (12+4). This prop­er­ty is per­fect par­ty house for large groups, fam­i­lies, hen par­ties and that spe­cial celebration.

Billys Bothy pro­vides our guests with a large qual­i­ty self-cater­ing cot­tage locat­ed in a qui­et and peace­ful rur­al set­ting with­in the grounds of our grade II-list­ed Off­cote Grange just one mile from the pret­ty, his­tor­i­cal mar­ket town of Ash­bourne and close to Cars­ing­ton Water. Cen­tral­ly locat­ed in the scenic Der­byshire Dales and edg­ing the pic­turesque Peak Dis­trict, this cot­tage is ide­al for explor­ing all the many things that Der­byshire has to offer..

This lux­u­ry, char­ac­ter cot­tage has a cosy ambi­ence, with an abun­dance of exposed beams and revealed brick­work through­out. and a mix of oak, stone and tiled floors., scat­tered with beau­ti­ful ndi­an rugs. A large, com­fort­able lounge with a large Smart TV, DVD play­er and music cen­tre has a cosy wood stove and opens onto a pri­vate patio and orchard with gor­geous cast alu­mini­um fur­ni­ture for 16, BBQ, fire pit and Hot tub ( by arrangement) .

Wheel­chair access can be gained via the patio door with no stairs, suit­able for infirm and elder­ly once inside.

There are 6 gor­geous bed­rooms in total with brass and cast iron fea­ture beds, beau­ti­ful­ly fur­nished and all are en suite with under­floor heat­ing, TV’s, chairdry­ers and com­plinen­tary WIFI. These are 4 dou­ble bed­rooms, two twin bed­rooms and there are 4 sin­gle qual­i­ty sofa beds with­in these rooms, please remem­ber the 6th annex bed­room is optional.

The com­fort­able well stocked, din­ing room, which can seat 12 to 16 guests, and a very well-equipped gallery kitchen which over­looks the cus­tom built fea­ture oak stair­case com­plete this fab­u­lous cot­tage. For those want­i­ng meals pre­pared, cater­ing can also be arranged, enabling you to wine and dine at ease in the com­fort of your won­der­ful sur­round­ings. There are also many good restu­ar­ants and pub meals close by along with sev­er­al takeaways

Pam­per­ing and activ­i­ties at the cot­tage can also be arranged. Please ask for details.

Sur­round­ed by a orchard large, gar­dens and pas­ture­land with our friend­ly don­keys and chick­ens to vis­it, this fab­u­lous cot­tage is the ide­al base for vis­i­tors in which to relax and unwind. There are exten­sive gar­dens of approx­i­mate­ly 2 acres, and for lovers of plants do feel free to arrange a vis­it into our plant filled walled gar­dens. Over­look­ing the Hen­moor Val­ley you will see our fish filled nature lake which you are free to sit around and relax. Take your binoc­cu­lars as Cana­da geese, herons, ducks, green wag­tails, swal­low and many more are fre­quent vis­i­tors, its a bird haven. The pond attracts bril­liant coloured drag­on and damsel flies and much more.

There is pri­vate, off-road park­ing for all guests, and a sauna and hot tub on site which may be hired – great to relax in after a day out walk­ing the many beau­ti­ful dales or explor­ing the myr­i­ad of foopaths, and cycle trails this area has to offer. If you would like infor­ma­tion on all these thinsg to do then please ask.

Per­fect for many his­toric hous­es, Chatsworth House, Haddon,Hardwick, Kedle­ston, Ren­ishw and Sud­bury Halls, Calke Abbey and Bolsover, Tut­bury and Pev­er­il Cas­tles.. This
area is full of excit­ing and inter­est­ing things to see and do for all ages chil­dren and adults alike. Water sports and cycling at Cars­ing­ton Water, Quad Bikes, laser tag, asrhcery and paint ball at Wild­park Leisure, But­ter­ley, Peak Rail and Eccles­bourne Val­ley steam muse­ums and Rail­ways, Crich Tramway muse­um, The Old Silk Mill and PIck­fords House muse­um, the won­ders of the Castle­ton Caves, The Heights of Abra­ham cable cars, Alton Tow­ers and Gul­liv­ers KIng­dom and more.

Anoth­er prop­er­ty which also sleeps 10 (+4) is also avail­able (see prop­er­ty ref: DER090).

This delight­ful set­ting is now avail­able as a wed­ding par­ty venue, please enquire for details.

Spe­cial Features

Sauna room. Hot Tub hire by arrange­ment. Pam­per­ing. Cater­ing. Full size snook­er table by arrange­ment. Wed­ding par­ty venue.


The main entrance to the cot­tage is on the ground floor in the cen­tre of the house, with a spec­tac­u­lar fea­ture oak stair­case lead­ing up to an impres­sive gal­leried kitchen.

This well-equipped farm­house-style kitchen has hand­made pine units, with the lux­u­ry of qual­i­ty gran­ite work­tops and a pot­tery Belfast sink. A plea­sure to use, it has every appli­ance you would wish for, includ­ing an elec­tric halo­gen dou­ble-oven, a slow cook­er, a microwave, a wash­ing machine, a tum­ble dri­er, a dish­wash­er, a fridge freez­er and a large wine cool­er. There are ample cook­ing uten­sils and crock­ery to cater for the full com­ple­ment of guests. The kitchen is a delight for even the most dis­cern­ing chef for cre­at­ing those culi­nary masterpieces! 

The din­ing room is per­fect for those inti­mate meals with friends and fam­i­ly, and our large din­ing table will com­fort­ably seat 12 and can seat all guests. The fur­ni­ture is all hand­made in antique pine to com­ple­ment our peri­od cot­tage, and has beau­ti­ful mar­ble tops. Two high­chairs are pro­vid­ed for our younger guests. 

The spa­cious lounge, sit­u­at­ed on the first floor, enjoys love­ly views. An ancient pine truss frames the cen­tre of the room, with a mag­nif­i­cent green, oak-framed gable that has doors lead­ing out to the patio. It has a cosy log-burn­ing stove for those cool­er nights. There are four com­fort­able, qual­i­ty set­tees and two buck­et chairs giv­ing ample seat­ing for all guests, all set on an impres­sive oak floor can­tered with a colour­ful Indi­an rug. A large, wide, flat-screen smart TV, togeth­er with DVD and an iPod dock are provided. 

There are three ground-floor bed­rooms – two dou­ble and two twin, three also have a sin­gle sofa bed– all with en suite show­er rooms. An option­al sixth en suite annexed twin bed­room is also avail­able on this floor, if required. On the first floor are two more dou­ble bed­rooms, one with an en suite show­er and the oth­er with an en suite bathroom. 

The bath­rooms are beau­ti­ful­ly fit­ted with chrome fix­tures and fit­tings, adding a touch of class and lux­u­ry to these exquis­ite rooms. All the en suite bath­rooms are tiled with ele­gant, white wall tiles and con­trast­ing black-tiled floors. These floors have under-floor heat­ing and heat­ed tow­el rails, keep­ing them snug all year around. Each room has a WC, a wash basin and a show­er or a bath. Addi­tion­al­ly, two trav­el cots are pro­vid­ed for our lit­tle guests. 

Bed­ding, linen, tow­els, wi fi, tv’s and hairdry­ers are pro­vid­ed for all the rooms.


Exit­ing the prop­er­ty through a mag­nif­i­cent oak framed entrance takes you onto a paved patio area with a cot­tage gar­den and well stocked orchard. Patio fur­ni­ture , fire pit and BBQ are also pro­vid­ed for your relax­ation and enjoy­ment. On site there is a small sauna, hot tub avail­able to hire by arrange­ment.. There is ample car park­ing for all guests, but we would ask that care be tak­en whilst park­ing due to chil­dren and pets in the vicinity.

With­in our 10 acre grounds we have a beau­ti­ful walled gar­den full of plants for the gar­den enthu­si­ast with out­stand­ing views over a large nature pond and accross the val­ley., guests are wel­come to ask to look around our pri­vate gar­den. We are sur­round­ed by fields and wildlife, plus our cheeky chick­ens and don­keys to say hel­lo to.- the per­fect place in which to relax and unwind.

Load­ing map…

Local Area

BIllys Bothy is just 4 miles from Cars­ing­ton Water with many water­sport activ­i­ties and cycle hire. Locat­ed in the cen­tre of the beau­ti­ful Derb­sy­hire Dales and edg­ing the Peak Dis­trict, it is a great area for walk­ing down the many beau­ti­ful Der­byshire Dales and over the rugged moor­land with some fan­tas­tic scenery. Wild Park leisure close­by offers quad bik­ing laser tag , archery and paint­balling. Cen­tral­ly locat­ed in the coun­ty it is the per­fect base to explore every­t­ing that Der­byshire and neigh­bour­ing Stafford­shire and Not­ting­hamshire have to offer.

Alton Tow­ers is just 30 min­utes and Gul­liv­ers KIng­dom for our small­er guests is just 7 miles.

Golf­ing, fish­ing, pot holling climb­ing, glid­ing, hot air bal­loon rides, ponytrekking are all avail­able closeby.

We are close to the Der­went Her­itage trail with its many his­toric mIlls and muse­ums along the riv­er Der­went. With many canal paths and redun­dant rail­way tracks with cycle hire its great to explore by bike..

Oth­er place to see are the many his­toric and Nation­al Trust prop­er­ties close­by which include, Chatsworth House, Kdle­ston, Ren­ishaw, Sud­bury, Had­don and Hard­wick Halls, Calke Abbey, Tut­bury and Bolsover Castles.

Some inter­ste­ing towns and vil­lages include, Ash­bourne, Wirksworth, Mat­lock and Mat­lock Bath, Bux­ton, Bakewell, Tiss­ing­ton Vil­lage, Hart­ing­ton and Ash­ford in the Water., espe­cial­ly dur­ing the well dress­ings. Make your you vis­it Ash­bourne for Shrove­tide Foot­ball in Feb­ru­ary or for the Arts fes­ti­val in June and July, some great days out for all the family.

This is just a taste of what Der­byshire and the mag­nif­i­cent Peak Dis­trict have to offer.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Ash­bourne (1Km)


  • Ash­bourne 1 mile, Sains­bury, Co op, Wait­rose, M and S Food hall, local shops. (0Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Der­by (14Km)


  • East Mid­lands Air­port (30Km)


Vis­it England 

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 16 peo­ple in 6 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 1 Bath
  • 5 Showers
  • Wheel­chair accessible
  • 16


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day

Fri­day pre­ferred but please ask

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Dou­ble Rooms: 4
  • Twin Rooms: 2
  • Cots: 2

Please note bed­room 6 whicb is a twin with a sin­gle sofa bed is option­al . Includ­ed are bed­room 1 — dou­ble with sin­gle sofa bed and cot, bed­room 2 — dou­ble, bed­room 3 — is twin plus a sin­gle sofa bed, bed­room 4 is a dou­ble, plus a din­gle sofa bed and a fur­ther cot, bed­room 5 is a double 


  • WiFi/​Internet
  • Air con­di­tion­ing
  • Wheel­chair access
  • Own­ers on site

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • DVD play­er
  • iPod dock

Sauna, large screen smart TV with Free­view, iPod dock, CD play­er, Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi. Selec­tion of games, cards and books.

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • High chair provided


  • Sauna
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Ten­nis
  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Sail­ing
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports

Archery, quad bikes, caving


Dates Price
Prices for 1st Jan­u­ary to 31st Decem­ber — Start from:
Prices for 1st Jan­u­ary to 31st Decem­ber — Go up to: