

Idyl­lic loca­tion for walk­ers, cyclists and fam­i­lies or any group that wants privacy.

Bar­row­moor, Derbyshire 

Beau­ti­ful­ly Pre­sent­ed 11 bed­roomed Farm House in the Peak District

Oak Tree Farm is an attrac­tive 11 bed­roomed home which can eas­i­ly cater for large groups of up to 30 guests. It is sit­u­at­ed in a won­der­ful rur­al posi­tion and ben­e­fits from far reach­ing views of the beau­ti­ful Peak Dis­trict coun­try­side. Accessed via a long pri­vate dri­ve, Oak Tree Farm is posi­tioned in a stun­ning pri­vate lawned gar­den com­plete with wood-fired hot tub, a peace­ful pic­turesque loca­tion per­fect for all types of groups. 

The prop­er­ty has been con­vert­ed to a very high stan­dard, and being posi­tioned on the South West­ern edge of the Peak Dis­trict Nation­al Park, the prop­er­ty is a great base from which you can explore some of the most well-known attrac­tions of the Peak Dis­trict. The Spa town of Bux­ton is near­by with its pop­u­lar Opera House and less than a 20 minute dri­ve away are the attrac­tive mar­ket towns of Bakewell and Ash­bourne. Some of Derbyshire’s finest state­ly homes such as Chatsworth House, Had­don Hall and Tiss­ing­ton Hall are all also with­in a half hour dri­ve. There is some great walk­ing and cycling routes near­by and for the more ener­getic The Roach­es, with Hen Cloud and Ramshaw Rocks form a great grit-stone escarp­ment pro­vid­ing an abun­dance of rock climbing.


Dis­cov­er the ulti­mate in com­mu­nal liv­ing at Oak Tree Farm, where an expan­sive open-plan lounge/​dining room awaits. Bathed in nat­ur­al light from a wall of glass doors, this space offers cap­ti­vat­ing gar­den views and beyond. With sol­id oak floors and lofty beams, the room exudes a light and airy ambiance, per­fect for group gath­er­ings. The din­ing area and soft sofa seat­ing with a TV at the oth­er end pro­vide a ver­sa­tile setup.

Enter­tain­ment is at its finest in the mag­nif­i­cent games room. Enjoy a game of pool, sink into plush sofas for a cin­e­mat­ic expe­ri­ence on the wall-mount­ed cin­e­ma TV, or relax at the bar for a leisure­ly moment.

For a qui­eter retreat, the flagged stone entrance hall beck­ons with com­fy chairs, cre­at­ing an ide­al spot for read­ing. The heart of the house lies in the hand­craft­ed coun­try kitchen, boast­ing a tra­di­tion­al elec­tric Aga and ful­ly stocked with mod­ern con­ve­niences for seam­less self-catering.

Adjoin­ing the kitchen, four large farm­house tables in the din­ing area offer ample space for up to 30 guests, and French doors lead out to a paved ter­race, pro­vid­ing stun­ning views with­out com­pro­mis­ing comfort.

Oak Tree Farm is a rus­tic haven with abun­dant farm­house fea­tures and a T’ shape lay­out, cre­at­ing three dis­tinct sleep­ing areas under one roof. With a total of eleven bed­rooms, sev­en ensuites, a fam­i­ly bath­room, and two shared show­er rooms, the accom­mo­da­tion is per­fect for fam­i­lies and mixed groups.

The bed­rooms, offer­ing flex­i­ble con­fig­u­ra­tions as twins or dou­bles, cater to your pref­er­ences. Fresh tow­els, hand soap, and show­er gel are pro­vid­ed for each guest. For added con­ve­nience, four ground floor bed­rooms are avail­able, includ­ing a com­pact bunk bed room.


Oak Tree Farm is locat­ed in a won­der­ful seclud­ed rur­al posi­tion enjoy­ing far stretch­ing stun­ning views of the Peak Dis­trict. Accessed via a long pri­vate dri­ve, Oak Tree Farm is hid­den away and set in a gor­geous large lawned gar­den sur­round­ed by stone walls. A 2m wide cir­cu­lar Eco-friend­ly Scan­di­na­vian Style Wood Fired Hot tub (ide­al for 6 — 8 per­sons) is per­fect­ly placed away from the house in the cor­ner of the gar­den under a hand built open sided gaze­bo to take full advan­tage of the far reach­ing views over the rolling coun­try­side. There is also a large patio with BBQ facilities.

Load­ing map…

Local Area

Oak Tree Farm is sit­u­at­ed two miles from the pret­ty vil­lage of Longn­or which is locat­ed in the Stafford­shire Moor­lands and posi­tioned between the Riv­er Dove to the East and the Riv­er Man­i­fold to the West, mak­ing it a per­fect loca­tion to explore this stun­ning area. The vil­lage has great ameni­ties with a gen­er­al store, a café, a post office, an excel­lent craft cen­tre and a tea-room. Longn­or is unique with its old cob­bled mar­ket square, which still forms the heart of the vil­lage. The mar­ket hall stands promi­nent on the square and still has the board out­side which show the charges that the stall hold­ers used to pay. Longn­or has been used as a film loca­tion for the TV series Peak Practice.

The Spa town of Bux­ton is only a short 10 minute dri­ve away from Oak Tree Farm, sit­u­at­ed 300 metres above sea lev­el, it is the high­est town of its size in England.

Bux­ton is well known for its archi­tec­ture, and the 5th Duke of Devon­shire ini­ti­at­ed the great peri­od of Bux­ton as a spa des­ti­na­tion with the con­struc­tion of the Cres­cent which is mod­elled on Baths Roy­al Cres­cent. This was fol­lowed by the Duke’s sta­bles, now known as the Devon­shire dome which has a large unsup­port­ed 44 metre dome which beats St Pauls Cathe­dral of 34 metres. The famous Bux­ton Opera House designed by Frank Matcham was built in 1903 and is still thriv­ing today host­ing over 400 per­for­mances each year. Also attached to the Opera House is the Pavil­ion Gar­dens, won­der­ful his­toric venue, nes­tled with­in 23 acres of beau­ti­ful gar­dens sit­u­at­ed in the heart of Buxton.

Bux­ton is also home to Poole’s Cav­ern, an exten­sive 2 mil­lion old lime­stone cav­ern, which has fab­u­lous exam­ples of large stalactites/​stalagmites. Adjoin­ing Poole’s Cav­ern is Go Ape Adven­ture Park, which is high-wire adven­ture course set 40ft above the ground in the tree-tops of Grin­low woods.

There are plen­ty of dif­fer­ent places of inter­est to vis­it in the sur­round­ing area, from state­ly homes such as Chatsworth House and Had­don Hall where sev­er­al cos­tume dra­mas have been filmed such as Pride and Prej­u­dice, to the fas­ci­nat­ing cav­erns of Castle­ton. Not to men­tion the great walk­ing areas of Dovedale, Man­i­fold Val­ley, Lath­kill Dale, Mon­sal Dale, Edale, Mam Torr, and Chrome & Park Hill.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Logn­or vil­lage (3Km)


  • Longn­or vil­lage (3Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Bux­ton (11Km)


  • Man­ches­ter (56Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 30 peo­ple in 8 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 2 Baths
  • 8 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 30 people
  • For up to 20 cars
  • Pets allowed Dogs are wel­come and there is a charge of £30 per dog.


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day

Mon­day and Fri­days but can be flexible

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 4
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 4
  • Twin Rooms: 3
  • Cots: 3

Fab­u­lous for fam­i­lies and mixed groups with a total of eleven bed­rooms, sev­en ensuites, a fam­i­ly bath­room & two shared show­er rooms. The bed­rooms offer flex­i­ble options that can be made up as twins or dou­bles so you can pick and choose your lay­out to suit. For added com­fort we pro­vide each guest with fresh tow­els, hand soap and show­er gel. There 4 ground floor bed­rooms, one of which is a com­pact bunk bed room.


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • DVD play­er
  • iPod dock

Pool table

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Play equip­ment
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports


Dates Price
Prices per week start from
11th Jan 2024 — 31st Dec 2024 