

Splen­did Self Cater­ing sleeps up to 30: heat­ed indoor pool, sauna, games court, gar­den and woods- EXCLU­SIVE­LY yours

Llan­bryn­mair, Powys 

LUX­U­RY SELF-CATER­ING FOR GROUPS OF UP TO 30 ADULTS, PLUS BABY & TOTS: Two kitchens, huge din­ing and lounge areas, easy for social dis­tanc­ing. Heat­ed indoor pool, sauna, games court and 20 acre forest!

Vis­it Bar­lings Barn in Mont­gomeryshire, Powys, Mid Wales, one of the most beau­ti­ful, clean­est, health­i­est and safest regions of the UK!

Peace­ful, seclud­ed loca­tion, set in pret­ty court­yard and grounds of 18th cen­tu­ry cot­tage in beau­ti­ful, unspoilt Mid Wales hills. Set high in the hills in the pret­ty coun­ty of Mont­gomeryshire, Powys, Bar­lings Barn is the ide­al retreat for relax­ing hol­i­days, week­ends and Short Breaks/​reunions with your friends & fam­i­ly in 22 acres of pri­vate grounds. Beau­ti­ful peace­ful coun­try­side. Bar­lings Barn sleeps up to 25 adults in 13 snug­gly cosy bed­rooms-12 bath­rooms. You will be our ONLY guests so have EXCLU­SIVE USE OF: Heat­ed indoor swim­ming pool (80 degrees – Hawai­ian pool par­ty per­haps?!)* Games court with table ten­nis, bad­minton and squash * Sauna* Pool table*FREE WIFI Inter­net. Bar­lings 20 acre blue­bell wood with ancient oaks per­fect for trea­sure hunts or peace­ful con­tem­pla­tion* One acre Play pad­dock with camp fire,streams and water­falls* Char­coal BBQ*.

Explore Mid Wales — local rur­al activ­i­ties: Fish­ing, Horse rid­ing, Golf, Bird Watch­ing, Sandy Beach­es, Sail­ing, or more adven­tur­ous pur­suits, quad bik­ing, clay pigeon, Welsh ral­ly, moun­tain bik­ing cours­es, wet and wild white water raft­ing, Cen­tre for Alter­na­tive Tech­nol­o­gy, Bounce Below and Zip World. Peace­ful, seclud­ed loca­tion, set in pret­ty court­yard and grounds of 18th cen­tu­ry cot­tage in beau­ti­ful unspoilt Mid Wales hills. Pets very wel­come by pri­or arrange­ment SUPERB ACCOM­MO­DA­TION, All cen­tral­ly heat­ed, for par­ties up to 25 peo­ple. Civilised Hen’ and Stag’ par­ties welcomed.

Spe­cial Features

Heat­ed Indoor Swim­ming Pool, Games Court (Squash, Badminton,Table Ten­nis), Sauna, Large Gar­den (BBQ, GAZE­BO, WENDY HOUSE, SUM­MER HOUSE, LOG SEATS AROUND CAMP­FIRE WHERE YOU CAN TOAST MARSHMALLOWS/TOES AND GAZE AT THE STARS!). 20 acres of beau­ti­ful blue­bell wood. All of this is EXCLU­SIVE­LY yours dur­ing your stay!!! 

Guests sleep like logs here in the peace­ful com­fy bed­rooms! We also offer cots by arrange­ment and a selec­tion of Z beds and flip flop’ out beds if you have younger chil­dren and you want to make nests’in the bed­rooms for them. We are hap­py to be flex­i­ble to suit your needs.


BARN GROUND FLOOR (every­body says the Barn is much big­ger than it looks!!) Huge, sun filled, VERY well equipped fit­ted kitchen, with: 2 range cook­ers, 2 microwaves, 4 x fridge freez­ers, enor­mous built in larder, pine kitchen table and Welsh dress­er, 2 x dish­wash­ers, wash­ing machine, tum­ble dri­er, cafetieres, french doors to patio and clema­tis smoth­ered raised deck, over the bub­bling brook, for won­der­ful al fres­co din­ing. Watch the sun rise over the glo­ri­ous val­ley and hills, with a cup­pa or star- gaze with a G & T’!
Also, fol­low­ing the trend for guests want­i­ng to bring extra peo­ple with them to hol­i­day with them at Bar­lings, the accom­mo­da­tion has expand­ed. So, recent­ly a new fab­u­lous din­ing room has been cre­at­ed, adjoin­ing the kitchen exten­sion (this room is a very gen­er­ous 40 feet long). Your whole par­ty of 25 plus chil­dren, can eas­i­ly dine at the huge table in this love­ly sun­ny room with amaz­ing views of the hills and val­ley. Guests fall in LURVE’! There are loads of serv­ing dish­es, crocks’ and cut­lery, etc., Welsh dress­er, host­ess trol­ley, wine racks, cock­tail shak­ers, (vin­tage singer trea­dle sewing machine forms the bar’) roman­tic soft cop­per light­ing, can­dlelit meals, fairy lights French doors to south fac­ing patio. Won­der­ful wafts of hon­ey­suck­le scent­ed air drift in dur­ing the sum­mer months. Mmmmmm!
Large L shaped lounge (27’x27’) with French doors to din­ing room. Com­fy and cosy! Snug­gle up by the stone fire place and enjoy the wood burn­ing fire (free logs) — chat, play board games, read (loads of books in the Bar­lings library), knit, watch the 43” Flat Screen TV. SKY+ (includ­ing Movies & Sports pack­ages) /DVD. Door from lounge to wis­te­ria and rose smoth­ered veran­dah, heat­ed indoor swim­ming pool, sauna and games court.

Rose’ bed­room – Pret­ty wheel­chair friend­ly bed­room, 2 x 3ft sin­gle beds with ensuite show­er (with a remov­able show­er chair), wash­basin & w.c.

Clema­tis’ bed­room — Locat­ed on the ground floor with en-suite, bath, wash basin w.c and twin beds.

Anna Goat’s bed­room is anoth­er ground floor option with en-suite, bath, wash basin and w.c. Own Sky Tv box and views towards wood­land. With 1 King size bed and 1 made up per­ma­nent­ly Super king bed.

HEAT­ED INDOOR SWIM­MING POOL, full size SQUASH COURT, SAUNA, TABLE TEN­NIS. Plen­ty of activites for all ages, what­ev­er the weather!!

FIRST FLOOR Jas­mine’ bed­room — King size bed with lacy canopy, en-suite bath, wash­basin and w.c.,

Hydrangea’ bed­room — dou­ble bed with lacy canopy, en-suite bath, wash­basin and w.c.

Hon­ey­suck­le’ bed­room — twin beds with adja­cent bath­room, wash­basin and w.c.

Sycamore’ bed­room — twin beds with adja­cent bath­room, wash­basin and w.c.

Celandine’ bed­room — King size bed with en-suite bath, wash­basin and w.c.

Loft play­room with dolls house, dol­lies, play farm, etc., TV with DVDs just for the children.

THE WAN­WS offers a fur­ther 4 cosy bed­rooms in char­ac­ter­ful accom­mo­da­tion in the con­vert­ed wing of Bar­lings Cot­tage just a few yards across court­yard from the Barn. Hon­ey­suck­le and ros­es drape them­selves lan­guid­ly across the warmed walls and fill the house with sum­mer scent. Sleep­ing eight the cen­tral­ly heat­ed accom­mo­da­tion comprises: 

For­get-me-not’ bed­room — dou­ble bed with en-suite show­er, wash basin & w.c.

Oak’ bed­room — twin beds with en-suite show­er & wash basin 

Corn­flower’ bed­room — twin beds with en-suite show­er & wash basin 

Daisy’ ground floor bed­room — twin beds Fur­ther w.c. and wash­basin on landing.

Lounge with Piano for singsongs!. 

Full cen­tral heat­ing. All fuel, pow­er, logs for fire and bed linen included. 


Bar­lings Barn is set in a won­der­ful­ly seclud­ed South fac­ing loca­tion at the end of its own lane (so no pass­ing traf­fic). Stun­ning views down the unspoilt val­ley. Sun trap patios * BBQ* camp fire(great for toast­ing marsh­mal­lows and sing- songs!) Wendy House But­ter­cup Cot­tage’ for the chil­dren to play in. Relax on the raised patio with the stream flow­ing peace­ful­ly below you. Organ­ic gar­dens. Gaze­bo * rock­ing chairs on Veran­dah * glo­ri­ous views * streams and water­falls * peace and qui­et!! 1 ACRE WILD FLOWER MEAD­OW great for ball games, pic­nics, play­ing, sun­bathing, RELAX­ATION* Tran­quil walks in your own pri­vate 20 ACRE ANCIENT BLUE­BELL WOOD (chil­dren love explor­ing, mak­ing dens’ and treasure/​Easter Egg hunts), car­pets of flow­ers in Spring, clean air, lichen smoth­ered trees* As one of our guests stat­ed on Trip Advi­sor a lit­tle piece of paradise!’

Load­ing map…

Local Area

This real­ly is a love­ly area, and although bliss­ful­ly qui­et with low lev­els of traf­fic and noise/​air/​light pol­lu­tion (lots of lichen grow­ing here and won­der­ful star­ry nights) there are lots of places to explore and many activ­i­ties avail­able local­ly: Beach only 35 min­utes by car. His­toric cas­tles, incred­i­bly ancient build­ings & church­es, 3,000 yr old stand­ing stones, cute mar­ket towns to explore. Clay pigeon shoot­ing * quad bikes * go karts * ral­ly car dri­ving * Annu­al Welsh Ral­ly week­end * dig­ger dri­ving * paint balling * gorge walk­ing * Wet and Wild White War­er Raft­ing * moun­tain bike cours­es * golf on one of the fan­tas­tic cours­es in the area (ask Ter­ry for advice) * glo­ri­ous gold­en sands of Aber­dovey beach (only 35 min­utes by car) * bird and bad­ger watch­ing* pony trekking on Fair­bourne beach * moun­tain climb­ing in Snow­do­nia Nation­al Park * steam trains galore * fish­ing * sail­ing * music fes­ti­vals * medieval re-enact­ments * horse rac­ing (Lud­low, Ban­gor on Dee, Chester, we had one par­ty of stags who all went to Chester races dressed iden­ti­cal­ly in tweed suits and flat caps!!) * Cen­tre for Alter­na­tive Tech­nol­o­gy * out­ings to his­toric Shrews­bury. Plus, of course, the superb facil­i­ties we offer at Bar­lings Barn! You might also care to vis­it www​.foc​.org​.uk http://​www​.dyfi​val​ley​.org​.uk http://​www​.gomid​wales​.co​.uk and http://​www​.bbc​.co​.uk/​w​a​l​e​s/mid… which offer fur­ther use­ful infor­ma­tion about the area

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Cater­ers can be arranged (0Km)
  • Vil­lage pub (3Km)
  • Allep­po Mer­chant pub, Carno good food. (10Km)


  • Jason deliv­ers, fresh fruit, veg, milk, ham and bacon etc, twice a week. (0Km)
  • ASDA and Tesco both deliv­er (0Km)
  • Mon­tys’ Brew­ery will deliv­er local­ly brewed real ale (0Km)
  • Vil­lage shop (3Km)
  • Excel­lent & unusu­al shops, cafes and pubs in Machyn­l­leth ‑ancient cap­i­tal of Wales. Eclec­tic mar­ket every Wednes­day. (6Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Good rail ser­vice — on the Aberys­t­wyth line (0Km)
  • Caer­sws (19Km)


  • Man­ches­ter (0Km)
  • Birm­ing­ham (0Km)
  • Liv­er­pool (150Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 30 peo­ple in 13 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 6 Baths
  • 6 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 28 people
  • Wheel­chair accessible
  • 15
  • Pets allowed Very wel­come by arrange­ment (we’ve even had a par­rot staying!!))


View availability

Short breaks?

All year round

Changeover day


Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 2
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 4
  • Twin Rooms: 7
  • Cots: 3

12 show­er rooms/​bathrooms!


  • WiFi/​Internet
  • Wheel­chair access
  • Own­ers on site

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • DVD play­er
  • iPod dock

Indoor Heat­ed Swim­ming Pool,Pool Table, Games Court, Sauna, Table Tennis,42TV SKY+ & cinema/​sports pack­age, var­i­ous board games, DVDs for chil­dren, hun­dreds of books to bor­row, piano.

In the kitchen

  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Swim­ming pool (indoor)
  • Sauna
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Play equip­ment
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Ten­nis
  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Sail­ing
  • Beach
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports

Sandy beach 35 mins drive


Dates Price
Two night break
21st May 2021 — 21st Dec 2023 
Three nights breaks
21st May 2021 — 21st Dec 2023 
Week hol­i­days
24th Jul 2021 — 21st Dec 2023 