

Wel­come to ARC Peaks, a restored his­toric prop­er­ty, seclud­ed in the dreamy val­leys of the Peak Dis­trict, sleep­ing 30.

Wild­abour­clough, Cheshire 

Beyond find­ing your flow in the indoor pool or yoga stu­dio, at ARC Peaks you’ll dis­cov­er lux­u­ry facil­i­ties geared towards an ele­vat­ed expe­ri­ence of out­door liv­ing, includ­ing alfres­co kitchens, pre­mi­um piz­za ovens, wood-fired hot tubs and a South African style Braai.

Wel­come to ARC Peaks, a restored his­toric prop­er­ty, seclud­ed in the dreamy val­leys of the Peak Dis­trict, sleep­ing 30, with wood-fired hot tubs, indoor pools and piz­za ovens

Wild­boar­clough, named with a nod to Eng­land’s rich hunt­ing his­to­ry, is an idyl­lic vil­lage sit­u­at­ed in the green folds of land of the Peak Dis­trict. A Nation­al Park, renowned for its dense for­est, open plains and rugged dales, this area is where you’ll find wild trout leap­ing from the Riv­er Dane, where ancient folk­lore abounds and the wind whis­tles your name. It’s also where you’ll find our ARC.

The Old Post Office has remained a fea­ture in this dra­mat­ic land­scape for approx­i­mate­ly two-hun­dred years. For­mer­ly a print­works, the edi­fice has been restored by PAR­TI archi­tects to retain its orig­i­nal her­itage fea­tures, and con­tem­po­rary exten­sions have been added, using Japan­ese tech­niques to rein­force the struc­ture. Through the Yak­isu­gi art form, the wood­en skele­ton of the prop­er­ty is charred until black to enhance dura­bil­i­ty. Notably, this is the first case (to our knowl­edge) of Yak­isug­i’s struc­tur­al use in Europe.

Beyond find­ing your flow in the indoor pool or yoga stu­dio, at ARC Peaks you’ll dis­cov­er lux­u­ry facil­i­ties geared towards an ele­vat­ed expe­ri­ence of out­door liv­ing, includ­ing alfres­co kitchens, pre­mi­um piz­za ovens, wood-fired hot tubs and a South African style Braai. The Riv­er Dane rip­ples around three sides of the prop­er­ty, cre­at­ing a watery lull as it rush­es by, infus­ing your dreams with the sound of water, fur­ther blur­ring the para­me­ters of inter­nal domes­tic­i­ty and exter­nal wilder­ness. Sculpt­ed from reclaimed stone that was exca­vat­ed on-site, a majes­tic table extends towards a flow­er­ing orchard and serves as a visu­al focal point in the grounds, invit­ing guests to gath­er round, share sto­ries and wine under the heat of the sun or the light of the moon.

Con­vivi­al­i­ty is at our core. ARC Peaks is metic­u­lous­ly designed and opti­mised for large con­gre­ga­tions of peo­ple who wish to stay togeth­er, sleep togeth­er, eat togeth­er, retreat togeth­er. With 10 en suite super-king bed­rooms and a charm­ing­ly ren­o­vat­ed attic con­tain­ing 10 cur­tained alcoves, the prop­er­ty can accom­mo­date 30 peo­ple in com­fort and style, lend­ing itself very well to cor­po­rate away-days, co-work­ing retreats, friend­ly cel­e­bra­tions or larg­er fam­i­ly affairs.

For book­ings and more infor­ma­tion please con­tact Finest Retreats.

Spe­cial Features

Archi­tect design prop­er­ty with alfres­co liv­ing at its core.


Court­yard ter­race, alfres­co kitchens, pre­mi­um piz­za ovens, wood-fired hot tubs and a South African style Braai.

Load­ing map…

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 30 peo­ple in 11 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 2 Baths
  • 9 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 30 people
  • 10


View availability

Short breaks?


Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 1
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 5
  • Twin Rooms: 5

10 en-suite show­er super king bed­rooms. (Split king or dou­ble), one with free­stand­ing bath also. Lift access to 5 bed­rooms. Inc 1 ful­ly acces­si­ble bed­room and bath­room for wheel­chair users. Attic with 10 cur­tained alcoves, each con­tain­ing sin­gle bed & chang­ing space. Attic con­tains a shared bath and show­er room.


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Kitchen table


  • Swim­ming pool (indoor)
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Hot tub
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing