

Won­der­ful Large prop­er­ty sleeps 12 7 bedrooms

Holm­firth, West Yorkshire 

Beau­ti­ful large house full of char­ac­ter, taste­ful­ly fur­nished with a mod­ern inte­ri­or whilst keep­ing its orig­i­nal charm, recent­ly refur­bished to a very high standard. 

This stun­ning prop­er­ty is ide­al for large groups want­i­ng to relax on hol­i­day in beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings or to cel­e­brate a spe­cial week­end away.
There are won­der­ful pic­turesque views over look­ing the hills and val­leys from wher­ev­er you care to look and the house is sit­u­at­ed very close to the quirky mar­ket town of Holm­firth which you can walk to in 10 mins.
This spa­cious prop­er­ty has 7 bed­rooms and can com­fort­ably sleep up to 12 peo­ple, it has 2 TV lounges and a sep­a­rate annex lounge with a bar area ide­al of enter­tain­ing and cel­e­brat­ing, 3 mod­ern bath­rooms ( one en-suite)
The house also boasts a huge mod­ern kitchen din­er which has a large din­ing table seat­ing 12 and a sep­a­rate break­fast bar, large amer­i­can style fridge freez­er and every­thing you will need to self cater for a large group .
There is secure park­ing direct­ly in front of the house for up to 6 cars and gar­dens to front and rear with out­door gar­den fur­ni­ture as well as the large cov­ered hot tub which can be used all year round mak­ing this the per­fect prop­er­ty for your get away cel­e­bra­tion or peace­ful relax­ing hol­i­day in the Holme Val­ley of W Yorkshire.Large coun­try style cot­tage recent­ly refur­bished in a mod­ern style with 7 bed­rooms and 3 bath­rooms sleeps up to 12 peo­ple.
Sep­a­rate annex enter­tain­ment room with bar and 2 oth­er lounges with TV’s and com­fort­able soft seat­ing.
Large hot tub with cov­ered pago­da out­side mean­ing it can be used in all weath­ers.
Secure park­ing for up to 6 cars, gar­den areas to front and rear with out­door fur­ni­ture pro­vid­ed
Fan­tas­tic views from all direc­tions of the sur­round­ing countryside. 

Spe­cial Features

Large Hot tub with cov­ered pago­da out­side of the prop­er­ty
Ide­al house for host­ing a par­ty or cel­e­bra­tion with its own enter­tain­ment lounge and bar
Very close to the busy mar­ket town of Holm­firth where there are lots of restau­rants, bars, shops ice cream par­lours, cafes etc
won­der­ful panoram­ic views from all areas of the house over­look­ing the beau­ti­ful Holme Valley 


Recep­tion hall­way with glass bal­cony and anoth­er seat­ing area with pool table.
Huge mod­ern kitchen din­ing area all open plan and recent­ly refur­bished to a high stan­dard, twin oven cook­er with gas hob and dou­ble sized Amer­i­can fridge freez­er
Din­ing table seat­ing 12 and break­fast bar seat­ing up to 4 peo­ple, mod­ern mood light­ing through­out and ample kitchen ware for a large group to either cater for them­selves or we can arrange for a chef to cook a 3 course meal in the house for all of our guests.
3 bath­rooms one of which is en suite and the main fam­i­ly bath­room has a show­er and a bath with a fur­ther show­er attach­ment over the bath 

The third bath­room has a show­er and WC with hand wash basin
all the bath­rooms are very mod­ern and have been only recent­ly refurbished 

There is also a toi­let and hand wash basin on the ground floor 


Lawned gar­dens to front and rear with pri­vate deck­ing area and seat­ing to rear.
Patio area with hot tub with cov­ered pago­da
Gar­den seat­ing is pro­vid­ed and char­coal BBQ
won­der­ful views over the hills and val­leys over­look­ing the property 

Load­ing map…

Local Area

Holm­firth made famous for the long run­ning BBC TV series last of The Sum­mer Wine ” is set in the Holme Val­ley in W York­shire and boasts some of York­shire finest coun­try­side (a hid­den gem!)
The pic­ture post­card town is full of char­ac­ter and quirk­i­ness and is worth a vis­it in itself just to have a stroll around and stop off for a pub lunch or a gourmet restau­rant meal
If hik­ing or cycling is your thing then look no fur­ther as the imme­di­ate area has access to lit­er­al­ly hun­dreds of walks over paths and moors all stem­ming from the cen­ter of town
There are lakes and reser­voirs near­by which you can also take in and walk around as well as some won­der­ful cycling routes.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Abun­dance of pubs and restau­rants to suit all tastes in Holm­firth itself and the sur­round­ing local­i­ty too many to men­tion (0Km)


  • Plen­ty of shops in Holm­firth just about every­thing you would need (0Km)
  • 3 large super­mar­kets are locat­ed in Holm­firth one of which is in the cen­tre (0Km)

Rail­way stations

  • Brock­holes (3Km)
  • Hud­der­s­field sta­tion (10Km)


  • Don­cast­er (40Km)
  • Man­ches­ter (50Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 12 peo­ple in 7 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 3 Baths
  • 3 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 12 people
  • 6 cars with free on street park­ing also available
  • Pets allowed max 2 pets


View availability

Short breaks?


Changeover day

Ide­al­ly a Friday

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Fam­i­ly Rooms: 1
  • Dou­ble Rooms: 5
  • Twin Rooms: 1
  • Cots: 2

7 bed­rooms :-in the joined on annex part of the house there is a fam­i­ly type bed­room with a dou­ble and also a sin­gle bed and a fur­ther dou­ble bedroom.

Main house has 2 fur­ther dou­ble bed­rooms, 1 of which is the mas­ter bed­room & en suite bath­room, a twin bed­room and a fur­ther dou­ble bed­room with a twist­ing stair­case lead­ing to anoth­er dou­ble bed­room (The Tow­er room)


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • iPod
  • iPod dock
  • Stereo sys­tem

Pool Table

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Hot tub
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Ten­nis
  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Sail­ing
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports

There are pic­turesque walks aplen­ty right from your doorstep in the beau­ti­ful York­shire coun­try­side, around lakes, reser­voirs and foot­paths all close by as well as some superb cycling on and and off road routes ( the Tour De France was once staged here!)
Holm­firth Swim­ming pool
The Metro water slide and indoor water fun park
Can­non Hall adven­ture park and muse­um with ani­mal farm for the younger ones
Pnnderosa zoo and ani­mal park
Eure­ka nation­al chil­dren’s muse­um
Last of the Sum­mer Wine bus tour
Horse rid­ing sta­bles at near­by Hon­ley vil­lage
Peak Dis­trict Nation­al Park is only a short dri­ve away
Pen­nine Sail­ing club
Fish­ing local­ly is avail­able


Dates Price
1st Jun 2023 — 4th Sep 2023 