

5* Gold 17th Cen­tu­ry prop­er­ty with sump­tu­ous inte­ri­ors and lake frontage

Ull­swa­ter, Nr. Pen­rith, Cumbria 

The Great Barn, sleep­ing 8 over 4 lux­u­ry suites, fits beau­ti­ful­ly into the land­scape and its split lev­el lay­out exploits both its seclud­ed posi­tion and walls of glass almost bring the out­side in. Whether you access The Great Barn by road, water or air the scenery is stun­ning what­ev­er the sea­son. With the majes­tic land­scape as the back­drop, relax on the patios, feast on the views, and enjoy the great out­doors. Back inside, The Great Barn offers a tru­ly mag­nif­i­cent and mem­o­rable set­ting what­ev­er the occa­sion. The inte­ri­or design is lux­u­ri­ous and inspir­ing, incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est state of the art tech­nol­o­gy from mood light­ing, to KEF in ceil­ing speak­ers, Rako light­ing, a 75″ Cin­e­ma TV and URC technology.

Both prop­er­ties boast sleek sophis­ti­cat­ed inte­ri­or styling and per­fec­tion­ist atten­tion to detail that will inspire even the most dis­cern­ing guest: rang­ing from exclu­sive wall­pa­pers to car­pets found in the Roy­al house­holds to hand­made beds and lux­u­ry mattresses. 

Pro­mo video: https://​vimeo​.com/​w​a​t​e​rnook Vir­tu­al Tour: https://​my​.mat​ter​port​.com/​s​h​o​w​/​?​m​=​8​M​E​D​W​m​QhP49

If you pre­fer a city vaca­tion why not stay in our sis­ter des­ti­na­tion Greyfri­ars Hide­away in cen­tral Oxford 


The Great Barn, sleep­ing 8 over 4 lux­u­ry suites, exudes 5* lux­u­ry over­look­ing the serene waters of lake Ull­swa­ter in the Eng­lish Lake Dis­trict Nation­al Park, arguably boast­ing some of the most envi­able views in the Lake Dis­trict. The Great Barn is a tru­ly restora­tive rur­al retreat that sits har­mo­nious­ly with­in the nat­ur­al land­scape. The Lake Dis­trict, named a UNESCO World Her­itage Site on 9 July 2017. Join­ing won­ders of the world sta­tus along­side Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of Chi­na & Machu Picchu 

This quin­tes­sen­tial C17th con­vert­ed barn, has seduc­tive­ly leapt into the 21st cen­tu­ry with true flair and sophis­ti­ca­tion, pro­vid­ing out­stand­ing qual­i­ty and pres­i­den­tial lux­u­ry. Set with­in 26 acres of pri­vate grounds with ½ mile of lake shore­line enjoy­ing unin­ter­rupt­ed panoram­ic lake views across Ull­swa­ter to the Lake­land Fells beyond.

Tak­ing advan­tage of its orig­i­nal design as a Bank Barn, The Great Barn fits com­fort­ably into the land­scape and its split lev­el lay­out exploits both its seclud­ed posi­tion and walls of glass almost bring the out­side in! Whether you access The Great Barn by road, water or air the scenery is stun­ning what­ev­er the sea­son. With the majes­tic land­scape as the back­drop, relax on the patios, feast on the views, and enjoy the great out­doors. Expe­ri­ence a taste of Ull­swa­ter and Cum­bria right now by watch­ing this short video [also fea­tur­ing Water­nook & The Great Barn].

Inside, The Great Barn offers a tru­ly mag­nif­i­cent and mem­o­rable set­ting what­ev­er the occa­sion. The inte­ri­or design is lux­u­ri­ous and inspir­ing, incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est state of the art tech­nol­o­gy, Rako light­ing, 75″ Cin­e­ma TV & URC tech­nol­o­gy so whether cel­e­brat­ing a hap­py event, search­ing for the per­fect set­ting for an inti­mate wed­ding or just spend­ing time with your favourite peo­ple, this is a sophis­ti­cat­ed and lux­u­ri­ous prop­er­ty that is designed to make you want to return time and time again! 

Both our prop­er­ties are fur­nished to the very high­est of stan­dards and sure to please even the most dis­cern­ing of guests. Under­foot you will be walk­ing on the finest Brin­tons car­pets. Brin­tons have been at the fore­front of the glob­al woven car­pet indus­try for more than 230 years and was one of the first com­pa­nies in Queen Eliz­a­beth II’s reign to be award­ed the Roy­al War­rant. Read their blog on us here. All our beds are hand made by And So To Bed, a spe­cial­ist in fine antique-style beds, and our mat­tress­es are Vi-Spring Elite. Hav­ing pio­neered the use of pock­et­ed springs in 1909, Vi-Spring believe that no mat­tress should com­pro­mise when it comes to com­fort. That is why every Elite is indi­vid­u­al­ly made to order, using the finest qual­i­ty British mate­ri­als and tra­di­tion­al crafts­man­ship to cre­ate a soft and sup­port­ive mat­tress. Each mat­tress boasts over 1200 hand nest­ed cal­i­co pock­et springs which adjust and respond to the move­ment of the sleep­er, pro­vid­ing inde­pen­dent sup­port and min­imis­ing roll-togeth­er. Exclu­sive nat­ur­al fill­ings, includ­ing Plat­inum Cer­ti­fied British fleece wool and cot­ton, pro­vide sump­tu­ous com­fort and tem­per­a­ture regulation.

Both The Great Barn and Water­nook have won numer­ous pres­ti­gious awards includ­ing a Vis­it Eng­land 5 Star Gold Award, Win­ner of the Condé Nast Johansens Award for Excel­lence, a Vis­it Eng­land ROSE Award for Ser­vice Excel­lence [an award that can only be won once] and won the 2016 Cum­bria Tourism Awards. See our full list of awards.

Spe­cial Features

  • 17th Cen­tu­ry Super-Lux­u­ry” Coun­try House with 4 Suites
    A choice of four sump­tu­ous suites and set with­in a 26 acre estate with over half a mile of Ull­swa­ter lake frontage
  • Self-Cater­ing as Stan­dard but why not go Full Ser­vice” with chef, wait­ing staff and house­keep­ing?
    Please con­tact us to dis­cuss your per­son­al needs
  • Lake View Kitchen, Din­ing & Out­door Ter­races
    Take-in spec­tac­u­lar views of fell-side and lake from the oak din­ing room with bi-fold doors, or on that warm sum­mers evening take to your own ter­race com­plete with BBQ and stun­ning lake views
  • Sump­tu­ous Liv­ing Spaces
    The mag­nif­i­cent Lake Room lounge area, the Min­strel’s Gallery loft, and the cozy Snug over­look­ing Ull­swa­ter, togeth­er offer the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to relax and unwind
  • The Big Screen
    Enjoy movies and sports on the humon­gous 75″ Sam­sung TV in The Lake Room
  • Dog Friend­ly
    Two well-behaved dogs allowed
  • Prime Access
    Locat­ed in quite pos­si­bly the best posi­tion on Ull­swa­ter guests have direct access to some of The Lake Dis­tric­t’s finest mountains


The Great Barn offers a tru­ly mag­nif­i­cent and mem­o­rable set­ting what­ev­er the occa­sion. The inte­ri­or design is lux­u­ri­ous and inspir­ing, incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est state of the art tech­nol­o­gy, Rako light­ing, a 75″ Cin­e­ma TV and URC tech­nol­o­gy so whether you are cel­e­brat­ing a hap­py event, search­ing for the per­fect set­ting for an inti­mate wed­ding or just spend­ing time with your favourite peo­ple, this is a sophis­ti­cat­ed and lux­u­ri­ous prop­er­ty that is designed to make you want to return time and time again!


A pri­vate and secure 26 acre estate with over half a mile of Ull­swa­ter lake frontage. Nes­tled at the foot of Hallin Fell with awe inspir­ing views of both lake and moun­tain. Please note that unless exclu­siv­i­ty of the estate is booked [i.e. with the Water­nook prop­er­ty as well] the estate is shared. Each prop­er­ty still has its own pri­vate ter­races however.


Load­ing map…

Local Area

High­ly regard­ed as the most beau­ti­ful of all the Eng­lish Lakes. Ull­swa­ter is the sec­ond largest lake in The Lake Dis­trict stretch­ing for near­ly 8 miles from Poo­ley Bridge at the north end to Glen­rid­ding at the south end and is over 60 metres deep. Some say its name derives from an old Nordic chief and is said to be so beau­ti­ful it inspired William Wordsworth him­self to write three poems on Ull­swa­ter, most famous­ly Daf­fodils, inspired from Glen­coyne Wood, and has just been fea­tured in Arthur Ran­some’s whole­some pre­war adven­ture clas­sic Swal­lows and Ama­zons”. Wordsworth fur­ther acclaimed Ull­swa­ter in one of the most cel­e­brat­ed pas­sages from his great auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal poem The Prelude’.

Rail­way stations

  • Pen­rith Rail­way Sta­tion (16Km)


Vis­it England 

North Eng­land Pres­tige Award 2020 

Lux Life Glob­al awards 

Condé Nast Johansens Award for Excellence 

Vis­it Eng­land ROSE Award 2018 

Qual­i­ty in Tourism 

CHS Awards 2018 

Cum­bria Tourism 

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 8 peo­ple in 4 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 1 Bath
  • 3 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 8 people
  • There is ample park­ing but we have an envi­ron­men­tal and sus­tain­abil­i­ty pol­i­cy in place so request guests car share where possible.
  • Pets allowed Please see terms and con­di­tions: https://​www​.water​nookonull​swa​ter​.com/​b​o​o​k​i​n​g​-​t​e​r​m​s​-​a​n​d​-​c​o​n​d​i​tions

Short breaks?


Changeover day

Fri­day & Monday

Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Dou­ble Rooms: 4
  • Cots: 2
  • Sump­tu­ous And So To Bed” hand-craft­ed King size bed
  • Vi-Spring Elite mattress
  • Brinkhaus Pyre­nean duck down pillows
  • Bou­tique qual­i­ty linen
  • Mood light­ing
  • Flat Screen TV
  • Blue­tooth Media Hub
  • KEF Sur­round Sound
  • WiFi
  • Under­floor heating
  • Nat­ur­al stone bath­room [only one bed­room has a bath]
  • Villeroy & Boch bath­room fittings
  • Mon­soon and rain­drop shower


  • WiFi/​Internet

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • Blu­Ray player
  • Games con­sole
  • Stereo sys­tem

The inte­ri­or design is lux­u­ri­ous and inspir­ing, incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est state of the art tech­nol­o­gy from mood light­ing, to KEF in ceil­ing speak­ers, Rako light­ing, a 75″ Cin­e­ma TV and URC technology.

In the kitchen

  • Cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Tum­ble dryer
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Sail­ing
  • Ski­ing
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Water­sports
  • Fell walk­ing
  • Wild swim­ming
  • SUP
  • Sail­ing
  • Climb­ing
  • Run­ning
  • Cycling
  • Star gaz­ing
  • Off road­ing
  • Horse rid­ing
  • Kayak­ing and so much more…