

Domaine de Seguinet, sleep­ing 22 in 3 love­ly prop­er­ties, 2 pools and a fish­ing lake.

St Front sur Lemance, Lot-et-Garonne 

Domaine de Seguinet con­sists of three prop­er­ties on 18 acres: The Manoir sleeps 12 with a pri­vate pool, the Millers Cot­tage sleeps 5 with a pri­vate pool and The Apart­ment also sleeps 5. We have a lake with a boat and a great games room for your use.

The recent­ly ren­o­vat­ed Seguinet Estate is sit­u­at­ed with­in the heart of the Lemance Val­ley. The Domaine com­pris­es a stun­ning 18th cen­tu­ry Manor House , a Millers Cot­tage, The Apart­ment and numer­ous dis­tinc­tive build­ings and fea­tures includ­ing, a mill house, water mill, pond, canal and a 2000 square metre swim­ming and trout fish­ing lake. Each prop­er­ty at Seguinet has their own pri­vate areas and two have heat­ed pools. 

Manoir Seguinet – 6 Bed­rooms, sleeps 12

The mai­son d’maitre is a beau­ti­ful stone house and is more than 200 years old. It has been exquis­ite­ly ren­o­vat­ed over the years to expose fab­u­lous stonework and var­i­ous fea­tures inside. High ceil­ings, beau­ti­ful wood­en stair­case, big doors and win­dows and a long tiled cor­ri­dor dom­i­nates this spa­cious and extra­or­di­nary house.

Mai­son Meu­nier – 2 Bed­rooms, Sleeps 5

The Millers Cot­tage (Mai­son Meu­nier) is set away from the main house with stun­ning views of the lake, the orchard and the val­ley. A cov­ered veran­dah runs on the two sides giv­ing a love­ly space to sit and enjoy the sur­round­ings. It is total­ly pri­vate with its own patio and bar­be­cue. It also has a heat­ed 7m by 3m swim­ming pool with deck­ing and sun loungers And sofas to relax on. It is a sun trap and just per­fect for catch­ing the rays.

The Apart­ment – 2 Bed­rooms, Sleeps 5

The self con­tained apart­ment is sit­u­at­ed on the first floor of one of the estate barn build­ings next to the main house. Open-plan living/​dining/​kitchen con­cept. The liv­ing area seats four guests and the kitchen is equipped with oven, hob, fridge freez­er, toast­er, ket­tle and microwave. Two bed­room fam­i­ly suite with ensuite bath­room and a fur­ther ensuite dou­ble bed­room. We can sup­ply a child’s trav­el cot and high chair upon request. 

Please con­tact us direct for tai­lor-made pric­ing and availability.

Please vis­it our web­site — www​.leseguinet​.com

Spe­cial Features

Con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed to go sight­see­ing, wine tast­ing or just to immerse your­self in the French way of life. Two heat­ed swim­ming pools, trout fish­ing lake with a boat, 6 bicy­cles and a fan­tas­tic games room. 18 acres of land beau­ti­ful­ly land­scaped for you to enjoy.


Manoir Seguinet sleeps 12 in 6 large bed­room. There are four recep­tion rooms, large din­ing room and a well equipped big farm­house kitchen with all the appli­ances. On the first floor is three bed­rooms with a large fam­i­ly bath­room with a bath tub. Of the three bed­rooms, one has a super king four poster bed, the sec­ond is a twin room and the third has a king size bed. On the sec­ond floor are three addi­tion­al bed­rooms. The first bed­room has a super king bed, the sec­ond has twin beds and the third a dou­ble bed. All three have ensuite showers.

Millers Cot­tage sleeps 5 in 2 bed­rooms, 1 king and 3 sin­gles: A love­ly stone Cot­tage with a cov­ered veran­dah with grape vines. The liv­ing room has wood burn­ing fire and com­fort­able sofas and tele­vi­sion. It has a well equipped kitchen with all the appli­ances. It has been lov­ing­ly restored to retain a lot of its old char­ac­ter with exposed beams and stone work. All the cur­tains are cus­tom made to suit the age of the prop­er­ty. All the rooms are on one level.

The Grange apart­ment sleeps 5 in 2 and a half bed­rooms. The fam­i­ly bed­room has a king bed with a lit­tle room with a sin­gle bed. The sec­ond bed­room has a dou­ble bed. Both bed­rooms have ensuites. It is an open plan liv­ing space with a kitch­enette. The kitchen has a cooker/​oven, fridge freez­er, microwave, toast­er, ket­tle and iron.


The Domaine de Seguinet had 18 acres of out­side space with gar­dens, orchards, a wood­ed area and a 2000 m² swim­ming and trout fish­ing lake. Fish­ing rods are avail­able to fish in the lake or near­by canal. An idyl­lic stream and the Lemance riv­er bor­der the prop­er­ty to one side.

Enjoy a glass of wine on the numer­ous seating/​patio areas or cook al fres­co on one of the bar­be­cues. There are swings for younger and old­er chil­dren. We also have an out­door table ten­nis as well as bad­minton set up. There is a boat on the lake. We have 6 bikes in dif­fer­ent sizes with a few helmets. 

We have a fab­u­lous games room with a pool table for adults and a sep­a­rate pool table for chil­dren. There is air hock­ey, darts, table foot­ball and lots of books and board games.

Par­ents please look after your chil­dren as there are a lot of bod­ies of water.


Load­ing map…

Local Area

Seguinet is in the vil­lage of St Front sur Lemance with a 11th cen­tu­ry church. The region of the Lot et Garonne is one of the most beau­ti­ful in south west France. Sauvet­erre sur Lemance is 5km away with shops, bars and restaurants.

Just 10 min dri­ve away you can sit in one of the two restau­rants at the foot of the stun­ning Château de Bonaguil. Many of the beau­ti­ful 13th cen­tu­ry Bastide towns of the region are with­in a short dri­ve includ­ing, Mon­flan­quin, Pujols, Castil­lon, Ville­re­al, Mon­pazier and Beau­mont. The larg­er bastide town of Vil­leneuve sur Lot is only a 30 minute dri­ve and has a beau­ti­ful old cob­bled town square, sur­round­ed by hous­ing Arch­ways cov­er­ing many love­ly shops and restau­rants. The town of Fumel is just 10km away with large super­mar­kets and shops. Libos has a mar­ket every Thurs­day morn­ing. An hours dri­ve takes you to the beau­ti­ful chateaux and vil­lages of Dor­dogne includ­ing Sar­lat, Beynac and Domme. 

In the rivers around Dor­dogne, Domme, Sar­lat, Le Bugue, Berg­er­ac and Beynac you can canoe or kayak down the riv­er at your own leisure. Parc-en-ciel is an adven­ture park for chil­dren and adults alike offer­ing end­less climb­ing fun in the tree tops. Park Wal­la­by is a tra­di­tion­al theme park guar­an­teed to keep the kids hap­py all day. Wine tours of Berg­er­ac and Duras are also a great way to spend the day. Oth­er com­munes with­in a few kilo­me­tres are Blan­que­fort-sur-Briolance with an Auberge, Gavadun with a great restaurant.

Dur­ing sum­mer through­out France, every vil­lage has a fes­ti­val where you can eat out in the vil­lage square and often includes music and danc­ing. Tal­ent­ed artists enter­tain all ages at street fes­ti­vals. Clas­si­cal music nights and Jazz fes­ti­vals are also held locally. 

Con­tact us for any require­ments and a pre­cise quote.

Pubs, bars, and restaurants

  • Local (5Km)


  • Vil­lage shop (0Km)
  • Super­mar­ket (15Km)


  • Berg­er­ac (60Km)
  • Toulouse (130Km)

Essen­tial Information

  • Sleeps 22 peo­ple in 11 bed­rooms Bed Linen is provided
  • 1 Bath
  • 6 Showers
  • Din­ing table for 12 people
  • 10 +
  • Pets allowed Only by pri­or arrange­ment & deposit

Short breaks?


Changeover day


Facil­i­ties and Amenities


  • Dou­ble Rooms: 7
  • Twin Rooms: 3
  • Sin­gle Rooms: 1
  • Cots: 1

The bed­rooms in the Manoir are large, we pro­vide all the linen as well as pool tow­els. We are hap­py to pro­vide child’s trav­el cot and high chair.


  • WiFi/​Internet
  • Own­ers on site

For your entertainment

  • TV
  • DVD play­er

Satel­lite freeview

In the kitchen

  • Range cook­er
  • Microwave
  • Fridge
  • Freez­er
  • Dish­wash­er
  • Wash­ing machine
  • Kitchen table
  • High chair provided


  • Swim­ming pool (out­door)
  • Gar­den
  • Terrace/​patio
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Bar­be­cue
  • Play equip­ment
  • Park­ing

Near­by Activities

  • Ten­nis
  • Golf
  • Fish­ing
  • Sail­ing
  • Water­sports

Canoe­ing, hik­ing, Swimming


Dates Price
Manoir Seguinet prices
27th Apr 2019 — 24th May 2019 